Barbaris - useful properties

Barberry is a shrub with red berries, oblong form, a little thin and elegant in appearance. This plant grows in lush and large shrubs, most often on the slopes of gullies and ravines, on glades and meadows. Just barberries can be found on the streets of the city, because today it is already widely used as an ornamental plant. This medicinal and honey plant is very useful, but many do not even suspect its positive qualities.

Barbaris - medicinal properties

For medicinal purposes, you can use the whole plant as a whole. This includes berries, leaves, bark and even root. Barberry bark, root and leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C and E. Bright and succulent fruits of the plant are rich in organic acids, sugar and vitamin K, as well as mineral salts and carotene. In unripe berries contain alkaloids. Curative properties of barberry have been used since ancient times, so our grandmothers know firsthand about this wonderful plant. Even jam with it is excellent.

Berries, leaves and root of barberry - medicinal properties

The leaves of barberry, its root and bark are used at increased pressure and to reduce the heartbeat, because they contain the alkaloid berberine.

Young leaves of barberry are rich in malic acid and vitamin C, which is especially good as an antiscorbutic. Infusion of leaves of barberry medical properties is simply magnificent, in particular, used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Useful properties are fruit barberry with gastritis with low acidity, as well as to strengthen the walls of capillaries. Berries barberry useful properties have as good as his leaves with roots. More often, fruits are used to improve appetite and quench thirst. Good for lowering the temperature during colds, and just to regulate blood circulation.

Tea with barberry - beneficial properties

Since the barberry plant is used for various medicinal purposes, the recipes for preparing medicines are also different. Here's how to use barberry and its beneficial properties as tinctures and teas.

Tincture for stopping uterine bleeding

We need 20 grams of dry leaves of barberry and 50 grams of alcohol medical. This composition should be insisted for two weeks in a dark and warm room. When the tincture turns dark yellow, it can be used for medicinal purposes. She tastes a bit sourish.

Decoction of peptic ulcer and nausea

For cooking, you need 20 grams of crushed leaves of barberry. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. Here's how to prepare a decoction:

  1. Fill a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, we still hold on the fire for 15 minutes, stirring a little.
  3. After cooling to room temperature, the broth should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon three times a day.

Antipyretic and cholagogue broth

We need 40 grams of ground berries barberry and one glass of water. Further:

  1. Fill berries with water and boil for about 30 minutes.
  2. After decoction, strain and top up with boiled water to the original volume.
  3. You can take 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Tincture in diseases of the liver, kidney and hepatitis

For cooking, you need 20 grams of dry leaves of barberry and half a glass of 40% medical alcohol. You can take the usual vodka. The mixture should be left to infuse for two weeks, and then carefully strain and wring out the remaining mass. The course of treatment is an average of 20 days, given the intake of tinctures of 25 drops once a day. Keep the tincture exclusively in glass containers for not more than a month.