Alopecia areata

Nodular (focal) alopecia - loss of hair on the circular zones of the head with the formation of clear contours. Both men and women are affected.

Causes of alopecia areata

The failure of autoimmune mechanisms in the human body causes the destruction of blood vessels that feed the hair follicles. The consequence is the death of the hair and its further loss. There are several causes of alopecia areata:

Depending on the degree of distribution of the centers of alopecia, the following types of alopecia are distinguished:

The course of the disease is difficult to predict, which is especially distressing for the diagnosis of "alopecia areata" in women. Sometimes hair loss continues until they are completely lost, but often hair in the hearth of loss is restored. Although in this case, relapses are not excluded.

Treatment of alopecia areata in women

Specialists state that treatment of alopecia are better if it is started in the early stages of the disease. Unfortunately, when a problem arises, many women try to solve it on their own, losing precious time. To the patient who has applied for medical care, the therapist appoints laboratory tests, including tests:

As a result of studying the pathogenesis of the disease and on the basis of the results of the tests the patient is referred to a dermatologist, trichologist, endocrinologist or neuropathologist.

Assignable therapy depends on the results of the examination. Modern treatment of alopecia areata may include:

Also for treatment, ultraviolet irradiation can be applied topically.

Traditional medicine recommends, in case of focal alopecia, rub the pepper tincture into the scalp to enhance the flow of blood to the skin integuments in order to optimize the process of feeding the hair follicles.