Axiology - the doctrine of values

Axiology is a theory of value, as a special science in philosophy appeared in Russia in the late 19th century. Mankind has always worried about the value system, its place in the relations between people. Each social group had its own ideas about good, evil and truth, this was reflected in the writings of many scientists.

What is axiology?

What does axiology study? The answer to this question is formulated by philosophers as follows:

The main theme of his philosophical position of value was made by Socrates, determining that the value that was realized is good and useful. Scientists of the Middle Ages called such categories as the fullness of being, good and beauty. In modern interpretation, axiology, as a branch of philosophy, is manifested when the understanding of being is divided into reality and value, as a chance to realize oneself, to demonstrate the abilities of one's mind.

What is axiology in philosophy?

Axiology in philosophy is the search for the meaning of the good for the individual, which can be achieved only through the knowledge of internal values. For many years, philosophers of different epochs have proved their point of view, because in each century there were their main values. There is no one for all, different people call not similar categories of what they consider valuable for themselves. Scientists note such manifestations:

  1. Middle Ages. The main value is faith in God.
  2. 19-20 century - beauty and harmony.

And only at the beginning of the 20th century did scientists try to understand how each person sees the world, to what extent this understanding answers internal and civilized patterns. Philosophers-axiologists focus on the ideal formula, but under general categories, because each person has his own ideas, even for men and women they differ. Therefore, we are talking about uniting the philosophical units of measurement.

What is the axiology of culture?

In modern interpretation, axiology, as the doctrine of values, occupies a special place in culture, which itself is a collection of values. According to axiological standards, culture is:

The axiological goal is to preserve the important role of values. Value is the importance of objects of the world for people, and is determined not by the properties, but by the role for different social groups. Beauty treats everyone in its own way, based on general categories, but there are no phenomena in the world that are equally important for everyone. There are important personalities that are characteristic of sex or age, something that is valuable to one people may not be absolutely essential for another.

Functions of axiology

The axiological method is used in many sciences, because the value system is the main core of any ideology. It defines the framework of human behavior, ethical standards, the development of taste and a sense of beauty. The axiological approach provides an opportunity:

Researchers distinguish three functions of such a science as axiology:

  1. In education - motivation in the process of making important decisions.
  2. In pedagogy - the inculcation of moral values .
  3. In culture, the formation of accepted norms.

Axiological approach in psychology

The axiological approach in psychology is often used to reassess the values ​​of people who are in a difficult situation. Often, in the first place, such personalities make erroneous stereotypes, and so that a person correctly understands personal and social values, psychologists rely on the axiological method:

The axiological approach in pedagogy

The axiological approach in education forms an individuality that preserves the national heritage, builds a line of its behavior, taking into account moral norms and ideals. To educate a real citizen who understands and knows how to value his heritage, teachers:

The axiological approach to culture

The axiology of culture distinguishes four higher values ​​formulated by scientists of different times, and which are constantly manifested in the spiritual life:

  1. Faith or God.
  2. Good.
  3. Beauty.
  4. True.

Value embodies the approach to the configurations of human existence, pulls the spiritual to the mind and will of man. Therefore, the axiological function is to define value as a conscious being for each person. There are three levels of culture in the realization of values:

  1. The lowest . Moral categories exist as significant.
  2. Specialized . Values ​​can be realized in behavior and actions.
  3. High-grade . The highest value is the person himself with his attitude to the world.