Boiled-smoked bacon

All of us, without exception, like various smoked delicacies! It turns out they can be cooked right at home! For example, boiled-smoked bacon will be an excellent option for a cold meal. Yes, and you will be absolutely sure that it has no dyes, no preservatives. So, let's consider with you how to cook boiled and smoked bacon at home.

Recipe for boiled and smoked bacon



So, in order to cook a pork boiled-smoked bacon, take the meat, thoroughly rinse it under cold water and dry it with a towel. Then we peel the garlic, chop it finely and bite the brisket with it. Onion husks are thoroughly washed, put in a saucepan. We add parsley cut into sprigs, bell pepper, bay leaf. From above put our piece of meat, necessarily the skin up. Then add chopped smoked sausage and pour all the boiled water about 2 cm above the brisket. From above directly on meat put a heavy plate, so that it does not float up. Close the pan with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil. Then add honey, salt and mix. Cook on low heat for about 1.5 hours.

This time we prepare a coating for meat. To do this, 1 clove of garlic is squeezed through the garlick, add paprika, mustard, a mixture of peppers and coriander. All thoroughly rubbed in a mortar and mix. When the pork is cooked, gently put it on a dry, thick towel, dip it and rub it well with the prepared shim, while the meat is still hot. Then very tightly wrapped in gauze, then in foil and put under a press, for example, under a 3-liter jar of water. When the meat is completely cooled, we remove it in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. At the end of time, the aromatic and amazingly tasty smoked-boiled brisket is ready! We cut it in thin slices and serve it on the table as a cold dish. Anyone who tries such a treat, will never forget this amazing taste! As a sauce you can serve ketchup, mustard or homemade ajiku ! Enjoy your meal!