Taratushki on kefir

Taratushki - lush nodules from the dough, fried in vegetable oil. This primitivism simple dish is prepared in a matter of minutes, and therefore very popular and loved by many. In the recipes, we will next consider the variations of the mushrooms with the addition of kefir in the dough to make the finished dish even more magnificent, ruddy and more appetizing.

The recipe for mushrooms on kefir



To get the Taratushki really magnificent, the flour for them should be saturated with oxygen. To do this, it is sieved through a sieve and mixed with soda. For the liquid base of the egg, beat it with sugar and add ghee. We pour kefir to the eggs, mix well and add all the liquid to the flour. As a result, a light and slightly sticky dough should come out, which should be put in a deep oiled bowl and covered with a film. Half an hour later, the dough is spread on a table-dusted table and rolled up to a thickness of a centimeter. The dough is cut into wide strips, in the center of each we cut a vertical hole and let through one of the edges. Doing this is not necessary, of course, the taste of such a procedure also does not affect. After the tarats are formed, it remains only to fry them in the deep fryer or simply brown in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Chocolate Tarakushki - recipe



In order for the batter to turn out soft, homogeneous and without lumps, we sift the flour, add to it also the sifted cocoa powder, and together with them the soda and salt. Eggs beat with sugar and add yogurt. Using a blender, whip the yogurt, gradually pouring a floury mixture to it. The ready-made sticky dough is covered with a film and left for half an hour in the cool, so that the gluten of flour is weakened, and the dough after the frying became airy and light, and during rolling it is not sticky to the hands.

When the chocolate dough is suitable, plentifully sprinkle the table and rolling pin with flour, spread out the dough and roll it to a thickness of a centimeter. Roll out the stratum into rectangles, in the center of each of which we make a hole and pass one of the edges into it. Fried mushrooms in hot oil, dried on paper towels, and then served, sprinkled with powdered sugar, watering with syrup, honey or jam. Do not forget a cup of tea, coffee or cold milk.

How to prepare mushrooms in kefir in the oven?

Like most of the recipes for sweets that we know from childhood, it is difficult to call the recipe for tarats useful in any sense, but some of the carbohydrate weight of the delicacy can be reduced by baking buns, instead of roasting them, it is not difficult at all.



We start with the preparation of the liquid part of our test. To do this, beat the egg with sugar, white, add a little vanilla and pour kefir.

Flour pour into a separate bowl, add soda to it, mix and pour kefir mixture. We knead the sticky dough, combining both masses, cover it and leave it for 15 minutes. After a while, roll out the dough to a thickness of a centimeter, cut it in any convenient way and spread it on a well oiled parchment. With the help of a culinary brush, we cover with vegetable oil and the taratki themselves. We put the delicacy in the oven with a temperature of 180 ° C and wait for the tarats to rise and acquire a characteristic golden brown tint.