Nordic character

Representatives of the Nordic race or as they are called Nordids or Nordics are part of the Europoid race. Swedish scientist Professor Anders Rezius first introduced the concept of "Nordic character". After him, many explored this race, finding a relationship between the inherent appearance of northern people and their character.

What does Nordic character mean?

Many residents of the Slavic countries learned about the concept of Nordic character after the release of the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" on TV screens. In particular, the dossier of the member of the German military intelligence Shtirlits contained the formulation: "The character is Nordic, persistent." Yes, and in the characteristics of other Nazis met such definitions as a true Aryan, mature, brave, hard, etc. The term Nordic race, ideologists of National Socialism identified with the term "Aryan race", to which they attributed themselves and opposed to all others, in particular, the Semitic race.

At the same time, the sustained Nordic character in the eyes of the Aryans invariably must be combined with certain external data. As is known, the "Nord" translates as "north", so it is not surprising that people of the Nordic race mostly have a slender high figure, fair skin and blond hair, often wavy. The face of such people is elongated, the nose is prominent and straight, the chin is angular, and the eyes are light gray or blue.

Those who want to know what Nordic means, it is worthwhile to answer that people with this appearance, suitable for living in harsh, cold climatic conditions, possessed the corresponding features of temperament. They are cold not only externally, but also internally, possess perseverance, reasoning, restraint, coolness, inflexibility and firmness in their principles and judgments.

Possible prospects for such a characteristic

We must immediately say that people with a true Nordic character in their pure form simply do not exist. As never was and will not be the Aryan race invented by the authors of the racial theory. The National Socialists ascribed to their leaders - Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and others, the most worthy, respected and noble qualities, but in fact they were all people cruel, unbalanced, angry and mentally ill. However, those in whom to some extent there are features of a strict Nordic character can achieve a lot in life. After all, calmness, discretion, patience and willpower are very necessary for managers and entrepreneurs, owners of their own business, etc.

External steadfastness and the ability to analyze the situation and predict events have often helped famous people with such a character to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Features of Nordic temperament were seen in Lomonosov, Fonvizin, Krylov, etc. In family life and love, such people also succeed, because only by adjusting to a partner, respecting him and knowing how to hear and listen, one can live a long and happy life in marriage. A person who can control his feelings and emotions is in harmony with himself and others. Next to such heat even in severe frost, comfortable and secure.

Therefore, one can only envy those who discovered in themselves the features of the Nordic temperament. By the way, the well-known scientist and designer Sergey Pavlovich Korolev considered their presence mandatory for candidates for cosmonauts along with impeccable health, diligence and endurance.