Pose for conception of twins

As practice shows, the mere intention to become parents of twins is not enough. Achieve the implementation of a dream is not easy, but it is possible. According to the available statistical indicators, only one case for 80 pregnancies is completed with a twin delivery.

How does the conception of twins occur?

If to speak in an accessible language, this process consists in simultaneous fertilization of a pair of different eggs with two spermatozoa with differing genetic information. This explains the diversity and dissimilarity of children. Formation of fetuses occurs in different placentas , and they have no contact with each other.

Who can expect the conception of twins?

The probability of the birth of twins is inherent in women, whose age has exceeded 30-40 years. Each subsequent fertilization can also be "double". This is due to the frequent weight gain after the birth of several children and the presence of lactation.

How can you conceive twins and twins?

More or less guarantee the birth of two children at the same time can only specialists clinics IVF. It is under their control that fertilization and egg-planting takes place, their numerical and quantitative composition, ability to attach and survive.

In order to try to give birth to twins in a natural way, you should first turn to a geneticist, taking with him all the information about yourself and your relatives. Most likely, you will receive the following tips:

Also, many experts advise their clients to practice various poses for conception of twins. Their main meaning is the deep penetration of the penis, which ensures a rapid entry to the egg y-type spermatozoa. They live much less than their X-rivals, but they can contribute to double fertilization. The most favorable posture for conception is missionary, which ensures the preservation of the maximum volume of sperm in the vagina. But from a medical point of view, as such, the poses for conception of twins do not exist, the main thing is the peculiarity of the female organism, which allows to reproduce simultaneously 2 eggs.