Treatment after a stiff pregnancy

Unfortunately, not always the pregnancy ends with the happy birth of the baby. Many women do not know how today it is possible to treat a frozen pregnancy.

In early terms fading of the fetus leads to spontaneous abortion. But very often experts recommend scraping of the uterine cavity. This helps reduce the risk of inflammation, bleeding and other possible complications.

Scraping of the uterine cavity is carried out under local anesthesia. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes. As a rule, a woman is discharged on the same day.

The main treatment after cleaning the uterine cavity with a dead pregnancy is the use of antibiotics, as well as pain medications. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent inflammation. The slightest load can lead to bleeding, so you should observe bed rest.

During the first weeks after scraping, spotting from the genitalia is observed. You can use gaskets, but not tampons. In addition, you should abstain from sexual intercourse until the discharge ceases.

When urgent medical help is needed?

If the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Also with increased bleeding, the presence of secretions after 14 days. With no abating pain in the abdomen, even after taking pain medications, you should also immediately go to the hospital.

What treatment is prescribed after a stiff pregnancy?

After the fading of the fetus, the female body requires increased attention. First of all, it is necessary to understand the reason. For this, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Histology. After the scraping procedure, the embryo tissue is carefully examined to determine the cause of fading.
  2. The determination of the level of hormones will make it possible to detect probable hormonal failures.
  3. Analyzes for hidden infections, sexually transmitted infections. When an infection is detected, the treatment of a woman, as well as her partner, is performed.
  4. Consultation of a geneticist and chromosome analysis will help to find possible genetic disorders that prevent the normal course of pregnancy.
  5. The immunogram will give enough information about the physical health of the mother.
  6. The right way of life. Proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and cheerful mood will help to strengthen health.

The recovery process takes several weeks. And only after 6-12 months the female organism can be again ready to bear a child. The next pregnancy must be planned, in order not to repeat the previous mistakes. Treatment after scraping the frozen pregnancy is a long process that requires patience. But with sufficient attention to your health and following the recommendations of a doctor, very soon the body will again be ready for a new pregnancy.