Heart palpitations during pregnancy

When doctors during pregnancy discover that a woman has a rather rapid pulse that exceeds the norm, talk about the development of tachycardia. In connection with the increase in the load on the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman, the pulse is quickened and can reach 85-95 beats per minute, which in principle is considered the norm for this situation. The term "heart palpitations" in pregnancy is used if the heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute. According to statistical data, this disease is more likely to those women who have an anemia in anamnesis.

How can I recognize a tachycardia by myself?

Frequent, strong palpitation, which appears during pregnancy, often makes itself felt suddenly. So at first, women note a slight discomfort in the chest, which can be accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath and headache. In addition, pregnant women begin to complain of increased fatigue, which in such cases is observed even on short terms.

In some cases, heart palpitations in pregnant women are accompanied by fainting, and even numbness of individual parts of the body. With a sinus type of tachycardia, symptoms are more hidden, and women in the situation complain only of general weakness, feelings of anxiety and dizziness.

Because of what there is a palpitations in pregnant women?

The reasons for the appearance of an increased heart rate during pregnancy are many. They have a different nature, and the influence of individual of them has not been fully studied to the end today. Despite this, in most cases, doctors associate this condition with a change in the hormonal background. In addition, the following diseases and conditions contribute to an increase in the number of heartbeats:

How is tachycardia treated in pregnant women?

Before starting to treat the rapid heartbeat during pregnancy, many studies are conducted, a referral to determine the cause of the disease. At the same time, special attention is paid to such information as when it started, how the disease developed. In addition, during the entire pregnancy, the weight of a woman is monitored. Obesity can contribute to the development of tachycardia.

In the process of treatment, the pregnant woman first of all must abandon those foods and beverages that increase the heart rate: coffee, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

If a sinus form of tachycardia is detected, then drugs beta-blockers, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed. They are taken exclusively by the doctor's prescription and according to his prescriptions.

How to behave when there is suspicion of tachycardia?

Elevated heart rate during pregnancy is the norm. This fact is explained by the fact that the load on the organism of the future mother sharply increases. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you can not panic. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will carry out an examination and will prescribe an additional examination: cardiogram, ultrasound. If the results obtained indicate a violation, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Those pregnant, who are predisposed to the development of tachycardia, i.e. have a history of aggravating factors (overweight, genetic predisposition), during the entire period of bearing the fetus are under constant monitoring of the cardiologist, visiting it at least once every 14 days. If the condition worsens, the woman is hospitalized.