Blood test for antibodies during pregnancy

Antibodies - a protein complex, formed as a result of entry into the body of a foreign element, antigen. In this way, using the data of biological compounds, the human immune system is involved. The presence of such structures in the body indicates the presence of an alien component, which is often called an allergen.

This kind of research, like a blood test for antibodies, is often prescribed during pregnancy. With the help of it you can identify the presence of a number of protein components to various allergens. In pregnancy, an analysis is made for the following titers of antibodies: G, M, A, E. Thus, doctors establish the fact of carriage, the possibility of the development of diseases.

What is meant by the abbreviation TORCH?

This study is carried out with the fetus carrying out in order to detect antibodies to diseases such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus in the body.

Infections of this kind have an increased risk for pregnant women and the fetus, especially if the infection occurs in the first trimester of gestation. Often they are the cause of complications such as spontaneous abortion, anomalies of intrauterine development, blood infection (sepsis), fetal development fading.

What is the purpose of pregnancy for a blood test for Rh antibodies?

This study allows time to identify the possibility of developing a complication, such as Rh-conflict. In those cases when the future mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father - a positive, there is a conflict of antigens. As a result, antibodies to the erythrocytes of the future baby begin to be synthesized in the pregnant body.

It is worth noting that the risk of conflict increases with the number of pregnancies. Thus, with the first organism of a woman, it only begins to produce antibodies, the concentration of which does not reach large values.

The consequence of Rh-conflict is fetal death, leading to stillbirth.

What is a group antibody test for pregnancy?

So-called group antibodies, begin to be synthesized in the presence of conflict over blood, i.e. incompatibility of the blood group of the unborn child and his mother.

It develops in those cases when proteins of fetal blood, other than her, enter the mother's bloodstream. It is worth noting that this is noted quite often, but very rarely leads to consequences. Doctors conduct a constant control of the antibody titer, which makes it possible to avoid the development of complications.

How correctly to hand over the analysis on antibodies at pregnancy?

Preparing for this kind of research involves compliance with a certain diet: oily, spicy, salty foods are excluded. Also, physical activities are not allowed on the eve of the analysis, the day before. Biomaterial sampling is carried out in the morning hours, on an empty stomach, from the ulnar vein.