Jam from mulberry - delicious and healthy home preservation recipes

For many, mulberry or mulberry is a favorite treat from childhood, which is also very useful. The period of ripening of berries is not long and in order to maintain a weighty proportion of the essential elements and vitamins contained in the product, it is advisable to prepare for future jam from mulberry.

How to cook jam from mulberry?

Prepared for the preparation of elementary, but some features in the collection of berries and technology for their processing are still there and they need to know when starting to perform the selected recipe.

  1. Black and white mulberries are often used for canning, other varieties are less tasty and less commonly used in billets.
  2. You can collect the ripe and delicious berries in a simple and proven way: spread the oilcloth under the tree, shake it well, holding it by the trunk or large branches. After that, it will only be necessary to harvest the harvest in a basket and cook the delicious jam from mulberry for the winter.
  3. The berries are washed, dried, covered with sugar for several hours to separate the juice, then placed on the stove, boiled in one step or in several stages, including short-term cooking and cooling of the treat.
  4. Ready jam from the mulberry hot rolled into jars and, depending on the recipe, cooled inverted or additionally wrapped until completely cooled.

Jam from black mulberry

The most tasty and valuable in composition is jam from the mulberry black. Obtained by the execution of the following recipe, sweetness is a real panacea for many ailments. A couple of spoons a day like dessert with tea will raise the level of hemoglobin, strengthen the nervous system and the work of all organs, improve sleep.



  1. The prepared mulberry is covered with sugar, left overnight.
  2. Place the container on the stove and heat the contents to a boil on low heat.
  3. Remove the vessel from the fire, give the berry mass to cool and boil again, adding citric acid.
  4. Repeat the cycle of heating and cooling 2 more times, then the jam from the mulberry is sealed in sterile jars and wrapped until completely cooled.

Jam made of white mulberry - recipe

The advantage of white mulberry in front of black is the lack of a coloring component, which is the culprit of a dark tongue when eating and hands when collecting berries. However, for useful properties, the light variety is somewhat inferior to the dark one. If we compare the taste characteristics, the jam from the white mulberry will turn out to be the same tasty and appetizing.



  1. Prepare white mulberry, rinsing berries and drying.
  2. From the water and sugar, syrup is boiled, add berries to the vessel, leave it to cool.
  3. Warm the berry mass to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, again allow to cool.
  4. Repeat the cooking and cooling 2 more times.
  5. At the last heating add citric acid and vanilla, boil the jam of white mulberry 5-10 minutes, sealed in jars.

Marmalade with mulberry and lemon

Any jam from mulberry berries can be made more original and refined to taste, adding other fruits or berries. In this case, the delicacy is cooked with the addition of citrus fruits, which not only diversify the classic taste of the sweet billet, but also increase its already impressive nutritional value.



  1. The mulberry is covered with sugar, left to separate the juice.
  2. Add lemon and peeled lemon and orange to the berry mass, adding a little bit of zest, without the white part, if desired.
  3. Cook jam from mulberry with lemon and orange in two ways: boil a treat for 15 minutes, cool, once again cook as much.
  4. Hot confine the sweetness in sterile jars, wrap them, allow them to cool.

Marmalade with mulberry and cherry - recipe

Unusually delicious and surprisingly fragrant jam is obtained from mulberry and cherry, cooked according to the following recipe. Cherry berries will give sweetness to the missing sourness. They need to be cleaned of pits and added to a common tank with mulberry and granulated sugar for subsequent infusion and suction.



  1. The prepared mulberry and cherry are placed in a container suitable for cooking jam, pouring the layers with sugar.
  2. After a few hours, when the berries secrete a lot of juice and part of the sugar dissolve, place the workpiece on the stove and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave the workpiece until completely cooled, again boil for 5 minutes, cool.
  4. At the last heating, jam from cherries and mulberries is boiled for 15 minutes, sealed in a jar, wrapped.

Marmalade with mulberry

Jam made of mulberry is a recipe that can be performed with other berries. In this case, as an additive, raspberry is used, its bright taste and aroma will make the billet more original and unusually appetizing. In addition to taste characteristics in this treat are also attracting nutritional properties, which are without doubt at the height.



  1. Mulberry and raspberry are covered with sugar, left for several hours or at night.
  2. Cook the delicacy 3 times for 5 minutes, each time letting the contents of the dishes cool down.
  3. Add the citric acid to the container, boil the jam for 10 minutes, cork in the vessels, wrap.

Thick jam from mulberry

Marmalade from mulberry at home will be dense if you boil it in stages or in one go before the spread of syrup spreads on the plate. In addition, you should not leave the berries with sugar in the first stage for longer than 4 hours. As soon as a little juice appears, you can begin to heat the berry mass.



  1. Pour the mulberry sugar and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. Heat the mass to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, cool.
  3. Repeat the heating and cooling cycle until the desired density of sweetness is obtained.
  4. At the last heating, lemon juice is added to the jam and boiled over a dry sterile jar.

Jam from mulberry without sugar

Jam made of mulberry, the recipe of which will be described next, is prepared without sugar at all. Such a delicacy will be even more useful and can be used without fear of diabetes or included in the diet menu. It is important to choose the most ripe and sweet berries for the preparation of the stock.



  1. The berries are picked, carefully rinsed and placed in a container in a water bath.
  2. Warm the mulberry until the juice is separated, adding, if necessary, after the initial portion subsides, berries.
  3. Boil mulberry under such conditions for about an hour, put in jars and sterilized in boiling water for 20-30 minutes depending on the volume of the containers.
  4. Clamp the workpiece and wrap it until it cools.

Mulberry jam with whole berries

A delicious recipe for black or white mulberry jam will be described below. Following simple recommendations, it will be possible to preserve the integrity of berries as much as possible, which are tasty in themselves or will be a great addition to pies or other desserts. Accompanying berry mass syrup can boil at the last boiling to the desired density.



  1. From the water and sugar, syrup is brewed and poured into them prepared berries.
  2. After cooling, the liquid sweet base is drained, brought to a boil, again poured into berries.
  3. Repeat the heating and cooling cycle 3 times.
  4. At the last boiling of the syrup, it is boiled to the desired degree of thickening, adding lemon juice, pour boiling berries.
  5. They cork a treat and wrap it up before cooling down.

Jam from mulberry - recipe without cooking

The most useful is jam from mulberry without boiling. Prepared rinsed berries must be well dried before evaporation of all drops of moisture and used to implement the recipe. Store the obtained valuable billet in the refrigerator in non-hermetically sealed sterile jars.



  1. The berries are mixed with sugar and pierced with a blender until uniform.
  2. They shift the workpiece into cans, store it in the cold.