Pentalgin - composition

To date, pharmacological companies produce several varieties of the drug Pentalgin - the composition of medicines varies with the full name. The effectiveness of each drug is evaluated in accordance with the causes that cause pain.

Tablets composition Pentalginum

The type of pain medication in question is the only type that is dispensed without a prescription. His formula has recently been improved in such a way as to eliminate pain not only due to inflammatory processes and nervous tension, but also because of vascular spasms.

New or green Pentalgin has a formulation without codeine and barbiturates :

The combination of these 5 components provides antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and light antipyretic effect.

It is important to note that the possibility of over-the-counter purchase of such a Pentalgin does not exclude the need to consult a doctor who is treating. The fact that the ingredients of the drug produce a lot of negative side effects, especially in the digestive and cardiovascular system. Moreover, the concentration of caffeine in high concentration provokes an increase in blood pressure, which is unacceptable for people suffering from hypertension.

Pentalginum Plus composition

This type of drug is characterized by the content of an additional analgesic - propiphenazone. This ingredient has low anti-inflammatory activity, but has pronounced analgesic and antipyretic properties. Combination with the rest of the medicament allows to achieve the fastest effect even with a very severe pain syndrome.

Full composition:

Typically, the described type of Pentalgina is prescribed for diseases and injuries of the joints, muscles, nerve entrapment, dental and headaches. Sometimes it is used to relieve the symptoms of febrile syndrome.

The composition of the preparation Pentalgin-ICN

The presented form of the line of analgesics refers to anesthetics of high intensity. The combination of active chemical compounds provides a steady and rapid relief of pain even in chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Pentalgin-ICN successfully eliminates the clinical manifestations of migraine, spasms of smooth muscles.

The preparation consists of the following ingredients:

Like the previous version of Pentalgin, the drug is only released if there is a prescription prescribed by the doctor.

The composition of Pentalgin H or Neo

The final form of the drug is produced without paracetamol. Such Pentalgin has excellent antispasmodic and analgesic properties, but has less pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. This is due to the inclusion of naproxen - a non-steroid substance with high pain relievers.

Pentalgin H consists of the following ingredients:

It is worth noting that, without special instructions from the treating specialist, the course of taking Pentalgina varieties containing barbiturates and codeine should not exceed 5 days.