Ed Shiran planned to build a chapel in his estate

At the beginning of the year Ed Sheeran and his girlfriend Cherry Sibborn announced their engagement. British journalists are waiting for details of the upcoming wedding, but young people and their relatives carefully conceal the preparations for the ceremony.

The singer with the bride Cherry Sibborn

What did the omniscient paparazzi and journalists manage to learn? It turned out that the preparation for the celebration was in full swing, but compared to many stars, Ed and Cherry decided to make the ceremony closed. To guarantee confidentiality, the couple decided to hold a wedding on the grounds of the Shiran estate in Suffolk and even decided to build a small chapel.

Ed Shiran Manor in Suffolk

Thanks to insider sources, Daily Mail journalists received a copy of the documents from the local municipality of Coastal District Council, where the singer asked for permission to build a chapel on the grounds of his estate. The argument of Sheeran is very convincing:

"Everyone has the right to create a place where he can be alone with his thoughts, pray, celebrate family celebrations, hold christenings, weddings, weddings, etc."
This will look like the future chapel in the estate of Ed Shirana

From the documents it is known that the chapel is planned in a monumental Anglo-Saxon style. The design project of the building was also at the disposal of journalists, so each of us can get acquainted with the appearance of the chapel. Unfortunately, but the permit for the construction of Sheeran will not be received until April. The construction of religious buildings does not tolerate haste in England!

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Recall that the love story of Ed Chiran began with the school, but he did not start meeting with his classmate Cherry until 2015. Young people carefully concealed the novel from others and they can be understood, because Ed is one of the most desired brides of Great Britain! If it were not for the celebration of the birthday of the friend of the singer Taylor Swift, where the young man came with his beloved, then we would remain in the dark about his personal life!