Tachycardia - Causes

Tachycardia is an increase in the frequency of heartbeats over a hundred beats per minute. This phenomenon can be physiological and can be observed in absolutely healthy people in the following cases:

In these cases, tachycardia does not threaten the state of health and is felt as a "fluttering" of the heart, slight unpleasant sensations in the retrograde region. If the tachycardia is pathological, then it is accompanied by such symptoms as:

Then you should definitely find out the cause of the pathology and start treatment.

Causes of tachycardia

The causes of the onset of tachycardia can be divided into cardiac and non-cardiac. The first group includes such factors:

Non-cardiac causes of tachycardia in young people can be:

Causes of tachycardia after eating

Sometimes an attack of tachycardia appears immediately after ingestion, more often with overeating. In people with heart, stomach or thyroid disease, obesity, disorders in the nervous system and some other pathologies, the consumption of a large amount of food increases the burden on the heart. This causes an increase in heart rate. Cardiac diseases that can cause a tachycardia after a meal are most often:

Another symptom of tachycardia after eating, in addition to the rapid heartbeat, is shortness of breath, which occurs as a result of compression of the diaphragm as the stomach fills. Nausea, weakness, dizziness may also occur.

Causes of low-pressure tachycardia

The increase in heart rate with a reduced level of blood pressure can be observed in such cases:

In pregnancy, this phenomenon can occur due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and an increase in the level of progesterone, which affects vascular tone.

Causes of nocturnal tachycardia

Tachycardia can occur at night, while the person wakes up in a cold sweat, he has a sense of anxiety, fear, a sense of lack of air. Such symptoms are most often due to heart disease, thyroid pathology or nervous system.