Acoustore for throat

Aqualor is a medicinal product based on an isotonic and hypertonic sea water solution, which has antiseptic properties. Sea water contains a number of microelements, among them - sodium chloride.

Akvalor is an effective remedy for the treatment of throat diseases. He is able to remove even the symptoms of complicated diseases. It does not cause irritation, swelling of the mucosa and other discomfortable sensations, which is a big plus of this drug.

The drug can be used to treat infants, pregnant and lactating women, which emphasizes its safety.

Types of the drug Akvalor

The drug Akvalor is available for patients of different ages.

Aqualor Baby

Designed for kids who do not have another year. It can be used to prevent ARVI and influenza in infants. "Baby" does not contain chemical additives, and the packaging is distinguished by the presence of pink color on the bottle. The remedy is absolutely safe, therefore its terms of use are unlimited.

Aqualor soft mini

It differs with a blue vertical strip on the package. This product is intended for children over six months old, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers. The remedy can be used as a preventative during the epidemic. The period of use of the drug is not limited.

Aqualor Shower

The package, marked in orange, is intended for children over 2 years and adults, including pregnant and lactating mothers. The drug has a wide range of useful properties:

Akvalor throat

This is the only drug in this series that acts solely on the throat, not the nasopharynx. Packaging is distinguished by the presence of crimson color in the design. The medicine can be used to treat children of six months of age and adults. The product does not contain preservatives and ethanol, unlike other similar preparations.

Aqualor for throat with chamomile

It is able to provide local antiseptic action, anesthetize, remove purulent raids and increase local immunity. The medicine also accelerates the processes of mucosal regeneration. This is necessary after the body has suffered an infection. Akvalor throat can be used to treat children and adults, without fear of harming the body.

Application of Aqualor

In each medicine package there is an instruction, which details how to properly use Aqualor with a spray for the throat. But we want to emphasize the basic rules of the drug. Children, as well as adults, need to inject the drug four to six times a day. Medication Acqualor should fall into the place of the inflammation - this may be the back wall of the pharynx, tonsils, etc. - it all depends on the nature of the disease. The duration of use is unlimited. Also, it can be used as a prophylaxis, injecting during the epidemic in the throat several times a day.

Drug analogues

Akvalor throat, like other effective drugs, has analogues. The most expensive of them is Nazoleks. It also has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effect and is based on a mometozone furoate.

One of the most popular analogues is Milistan, which is used as a means for treatment of ARVI or influenza. Milistan can not be considered a means for prevention. It is this property that distinguishes it from the Akvalor throat.

The analogs also include:

While replacing Akvalor for the throat with analogues, carefully read their composition and instructions, as many drugs do not possess the full set of useful qualities of Aqualor.