Cancer of the spine - symptoms and manifestation

Probably every person at least once in my life, but I felt some unpleasant sensations in the back. This, of course, is abnormal, but not so surprising. Very often they are caused by too much stress. To the possible causes of pain can also be attributed to an incorrect lifestyle, age changes. But it also happens that soreness becomes a symptom and a manifestation of cancer of the spine. I must say that oncology of the musculoskeletal system as a whole and the spine in particular are very rare. And still, just in case, to be diagnosed with severe regular back pain will not be superfluous!

Cancer of the spine

Tumors can be primary or secondary. The latter occur much more often, and they appear as a result of the penetration of malignant cells into the spine. Simply put, secondary cancer of the spine is a consequence of the proliferation of metastases from other affected organs: lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver and others. And this is usually seen in the later stages.

The most common symptoms are cancer of the thoracic spine, occasionally - cervical or lumbar. Tumors are of different types:

  1. Extradural develop outside the hard shell. As a rule, they grow imperceptibly and manifest themselves only when there is damage to the nerve tissues. Due to extradural neoplasms, the spinal canals and outer parts of the ridge are deformed and destroyed.
  2. Intradular tumors grow from the brain substance. This variety is found most often - in 80% of cases. Very often, the accompanying factor of this type of disease becomes compression of the spinal cord.
  3. Intramedullary neoplasms develop in the spinal cord and do so slowly. But if you do not find them in time, the swelling of the vertebrae may begin, and the motor activity will be lost.

Symptoms and signs of cancer of the spine

As already mentioned above, cancer can make itself felt with pain. Almost all patients face this symptom. Initially, the pain is not very noticeable, but they increase with the growth of the tumor. Usually the pain is localized in one place - where the neoplasm is located - but sometimes the echoes can reach the arm or leg. Characteristic features of cancer - soreness becomes stronger when the patient lies down, and with the help of tablets to eliminate it is very difficult.

There are other symptoms of spinal cancer:

  1. Sometimes people with oncology of the spinal column begin to have problems with movement. In the early stages of the gait changes, in more complex cases, difficulty in walking may occur, paralysis occurs.
  2. A common phenomenon is the weakening of the sensitivity of the skin on the legs, temporary numbness. Some patients complain of a feeling of cold and tingling in the fingers.
  3. When the lumbar region is affected, there are difficulties with the processes of urination and bowel movement. Some people find it difficult, while others have poor control.

Signs of cancer of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine are also commonly referred to:

As you can see, the symptoms and manifestations of cancer of the spine have much in common with most other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which many people are used to neglect. In order to be able to diagnose oncology on time, it is very desirable to contact specialists with any kind of complaints.