Dry hair tips

Even if we do not dream of a luxurious spit to the waist, we want the hair to be healthy and look well-groomed. And very often this is prevented by fatty hair roots and very dry tips. What should be the care of such hair, what to do with dry and brittle tips of hair, we'll talk about all this.

Masks and oils for the treatment of dry ends of hair

When we find in ourselves dry and split ends of hair, we immediately have the question of how to restore them. There are a lot of ways, but they all come down to proper hair care, timely moisturizing and haircutting.

1. If the tips are very dry and split, then it is impossible to restore them. The only thing that will help restore a normal look to your hair is a haircut. A good effect gives a haircut with hot scissors, but this measure is temporary. If the tips of your hair are dry, then they need constant care. With proper moisturizing, the hair can be cured, and then you do not have to cut the split ends of the hair.

2. How to moisturize dry hair tips? For this, you can choose oil, for example, almond, burdock or olive. Before washing, the ends of the hair are abundantly lubricated with the selected oil and leave it for 20 minutes. After that, my head is as usual. This method allows you to protect the tips of hair from drying out during washing. If the hair is very thin with dry tips, then the oil is applied to the roots of the hair with massaging movements. The head is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. After an hour, the oil mask should be washed off with shampoo.

3. Also good for the treatment of dry hair ends are masks with yolks and castor oil or masks with curdled milk. For the first variant, the yolks are mixed with castor oil, a drop of shampoo for dry hair is added. The received weight should be put on hair and to hold an hour, having wrapped up a head a towel. After the mask is washed off with warm water with shampoo.

And the simplest, but effective mask is yogurt (kefir). Its (necessarily warm) it is necessary to put on roots of hair and to distribute on all length. Wrap the head with a towel and leave for half an hour. After once again massage the roots of hair with a warm curd and rinse the head with warm water without using shampoo.

Also good fortify hair and treat the dry ends of a mask from henna. In order not to color, take a colorless, pour boiling water and insist 15 minutes. After the mixture is added 2-3 teaspoons of oil (castor, almond) with a couple drops of vitamins A and E. Apply to the hair mask while warm and leave for two hours.

Any hair mask should be done every 7-10 days and not less than 10 procedures. Only then you can note the positive result and cure the hair. Once made a mask of health to your hair will not return.

4. There is also such national means for treatment of dry tips of hair, as broth from a root of a burdock and rhizomes of aira marsh. The components are taken in different parts, pour boiling water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. The broth is allowed to brew for 6 hours, after which it is filtered, rubbed into the roots of the hair and applied throughout their length.

Care of dry tips of hair

To get rid of a problem of dry tips of hair will not leave, if to not start to treat with them more carefully. It is necessary to stop or reduce to a minimum the stowage with a curling iron and a hot hair dryer. Shampoos need to choose creamy, soft. At split ends, the hair can not be combed until they are dry. Hairpins should be chosen such that they will not injure the hair - without sharp and sharp edges, and it is better to abandon them altogether. You also need to pay attention to your food - in the diet must be present fruit, fish, milk, vegetables and nuts to make up for the lack of fatty acids and vitamins A and E. But about the spicy, fatty and sweet foods you need, if not forgotten, then would reduce its consumption. And, of course, you should not forget about enough liquid - the minimum amount of water that should be drunk per day is 2 liters.