How to freeze cherries for the winter?

The season of the sweet cherry is short, and not all have time to enjoy plenty of this wonderful berry. Early varieties contain useful fruit acids, fiber and pectin, and late varieties are much sweeter. These berries contain vitamins B, A and E, so that the cherry has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

If you love the sweet cherry, and the season ends so quickly that you can not get the maximum pleasure, or if you have a lot of cherries in your dacha at the same time, you need to figure out how to keep the berries for future use. Of course, you can dry them, but it takes a long time and requires some effort. You can boil jam , but not everyone loves the sweet, and you can not jam by all. An excellent option - deep freezing. However, the cherry - the berry is rather watery, so often there are questions, whether it is possible to freeze the cherry for the winter, and if it can be done, then how to freeze the cherry for the winter. Let's try to answer them.

To begin with, we will immediately say that early varieties of cherries are not suitable for freezing: in them the ratio of juice and pulp is too disproportionate, so the berries do not retain any taste or useful properties. Therefore, for freezing choose cherries of late varieties, large, dense, fleshy. Make sure that the berries do not contain live animals: freezing cherry cherry, of course, is not worth it. The berries should be ripe, beautiful even color (if the cherry is red or black) or with a nice pink cask - if it is white varieties. Go through the cherry, remove the cracked, rotten, crumpled berries.

How to freeze cherries for the winter?

This is the way for the lazy. Of the berries frozen by this method, it is good to cook compotes and fruit drinks in winter, but they will not go to the pie or cake, because we do not remove the stone.



The berries are mine, in the process of separating them from the peduncle and sorting out to exclude substandard. The washed cherries are placed on a towel or linen napkins in one layer. You can get wet berries to remove unnecessary moisture, but it is so likely to damage them, it is better to wait a little while they dry, the benefit of summer is rapid. Dry berries on cutting plastic or glass boards are placed in the freezer. To stack a few tiers, you can use matchboxes or small stacks. After 2 days, the frozen cherry is packed in bags and stored until the winter in the freezer.

How to freeze cherries without pits for the winter?

If you plan to use the sweet cherry to create culinary masterpieces, then this way of freezing just like you.



Preparing the berries: sorting, washing, removing the stems, then drying. From dry berries with a pin or a special device, remove the stone (from the bones and leaked juice, by the way, you can immediately cook the compote) and add to the colander. When the juice drains, we shift the berries to flat dishes or into shallow containers and install it in the freezer. A day later, we pour the frozen cherry into the portion packets.

How to freeze cherries with sugar?



From water, sugar and lemon juice, cook syrup. Washed and dried cherries in portions are put in boiling syrup for 5 minutes, remove and add to the container. We freeze. Delicious berries are obtained in sugar icing.

As you can see, it's easy. Well, if you can not decide how best to freeze the cherry, just try all the ways.