Bleeding in hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal nodes are covered with a mucous membrane, which is penetrated by thin vessels. They are easily damaged, especially with difficulty emptying the intestines and too hard stool. As a result, bleeding occurs with hemorrhoids of varying degrees of intensity. This symptom must be treated, as it can lead to serious complications, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the rectum.

What to do with hemorrhoids with bleeding?

First of all, you need to make an appointment with the proctologist, especially if the damaged hemorrhoidal node is located inside the intestine.

Therapy of pathology depends on the intensity of bleeding. Not too abundant hemorrhages, manifested in the form of small red dots on toilet paper after the emptying of the intestines, which do not cause pain, are easily eliminated with the help of local preparations. Intensive flow of biological fluid, lasting more than 20 minutes, requires a systemic or even surgical complex approach.

Treatment of hemorrhage with hemorrhoids is based on the need for narrowing of the vessels. It is worth noting that getting rid of the problem in question is only a symptomatic therapy and does not eliminate the inflammation and damage to the cause of the pathology - the hemorrhoidal node.

Than to treat a bleeding at a hemorrhoids?

To combat ungrowth hemorrhage, the following measures are used:

Sometimes candles are used in such situations, but, as a rule, proctologists avoid using them, so as not to damage the mucosa even more.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with heavy bleeding

If the hemorrhage is intense, then the systemic complex approach is recommended:

In severe situations, surgical intervention is indicated, suggesting excision of the bleeding site. Minimally invasive operations are rarely used in such cases, since they do not exclude the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Tablets from hemorrhoids with heavy bleeding:

For injections, usually used Vikasol, sometimes - Etamsylate. Both drugs allow you to quickly stop the flow of biological fluid, promote thrombosis of the damaged area.

Also, when bleeding appoint a candle from hemorrhoids:

The active substances of the candles remove the inflammatory process additionally, and stop the pain sensations.

In addition to medical methods, in the treatment of profuse and mild hemorrhage, you must follow a diet.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids with bleeding

The main task in correcting the diet is to normalize digestion and control the consistency of the stool so that it is soft, but not liquid or mushy.

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