Remedy for bruises and bruises

During an active summer vacation, sports and even doing daily housework, it is difficult to avoid injury to the skin and soft tissues. Therefore, at hand should always be a good remedy for bruises and bruises, which will quickly get rid of manifestations of hemorrhage, as well as restore the integrity of capillaries and small vessels.

Folk remedies for bruises and bruises

Unfortunately, in the home medicine cabinet there is rarely a special drug that relieves the problem. In such cases, you can improve the situation through simple recipes from the available ingredients.

Folk remedy for bruises and bruises with hematoma



Warm the water to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, dissolve salt in it. Make a gauze bandage so large that it completely covers the bruise. Soak the tissue with brine. Apply a compress to the bruised place, fix it with a bandage. Repeat manipulation 2-3 times a day.

Clay cake



Mix all the ingredients, if the mash turned liquid, add more clay. As a result, a plastic mass must be obtained from which a cake should be formed. Mass between the single layers of a thin polyethylene film or gauze, attach to the bruised area, warm a woolen scarf. Change the bandage when the clay cools (3-4 times a day).

Onion Compress



Grate peeled onion on a large grater. Do not squeeze the juice, mix the pulp with salt. Apply the resulting mass to the hematoma, fix it with food film and cotton cloth. Repeat 2 times a day.

Razryka from bruises



Warm up the vinegar to a temperature a little bit, 1-2 degrees, above room temperature. Dissolve salt in it, shake well. Saturate with a liquid cotton pad or swab, lightly squeeze out. Gently rub the bruised area, leave the remainder of the solution on the skin for soaking. Do the procedure 2-4 days 3-5 times.

Home ointment



Grass chop finely or pass through a meat grinder. Mix the raw material with the rest of the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained. Twice a day, densely apply ointment on the area with a bruise, leaving for 15-25 minutes.

Compresses from rind of ripe bananas, fresh crushed leaves of white cabbage, plantain, parsley are also excellent. It is enough to make such lotions 1-3 days to completely remove traces of trauma and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

The best remedy for bruises and bruises

If you still prefer traditional medicine, you can buy a lot of different local medications in the pharmacy, which can save bruises and bruises.

List of effective gels, creams and ointments:

In addition, a very effective remedy for bruising and bruising is a bad guy. On its basis, preparations such as Badiaga Forte and 911 Badyaga are being developed.