Streptocide from acne

The streptocide is produced in the form of powder, tablets, ointments, and also is a part of combined antibacterial agents. Besides using in medicine, streptocide is one of the popular components of home masks from acne and acne.

Use of streptocide against acne

To combat eruptions the drug can be used in any form, but of all dosage forms the most convenient and easy to use is the ointment. In order to get rid of pimples, ointment with streptocid twice a day is applied a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin, capturing a small area around. Before applying the ointment, the skin should be cleaned by washing and rubbing with lotion. The drug is not recommended for use longer than two weeks.

Before using the drug, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies to it. If in the treatment of inflammation intensified, there were additional redness, a feeling of discomfort, use of streptocide should be stopped.

Despite the fact that streptocide from acne is used exclusively as an external remedy, its use is contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as in the presence of problems with the kidneys and liver.

Masks and lotions with streptotsidom from acne

For the preparation of home remedies for acne with streptotsidom usually used powder, less often tablets, which before use are ground into powder.

One of the simplest and at the same time effective masks against acne is a mixture of streptocides with aloe juice :

  1. Before squeezing the juice, cut aloe leaves should be kept 3-4 in the refrigerator.
  2. Tablets and even powder of streptocide must be rewetted to get very powdery, like flour.
  3. Powder is poured with aloe juice and thoroughly mixed. The resulting mask should consist of a thick creamy sour cream.
  4. The drug is applied pointwise, exclusively to the affected area, for at least 15 minutes, although many sources recommend applying the ointment before bedtime and leaving it until the morning.

Another effective tool:

  1. Pour into a bottle with an alcohol solution of marigold (50 ml) to pour up to 3 grams of fine streptocid powder.
  2. Shake well and wait until the drug dissolves.

This talker is used as a face lotion. Since streptocide refers to poorly soluble substances, the bottle must be shaken before each use. In addition, you need to remember that this lotion dries the skin, and do not abuse it.

Lotion of pimples and acne with streptotsidom can be prepared in two ways:

  1. The first involves adding 2 grams of streptocid powder to a bottle of salicylic alcohol (25 ml).
  2. The second recipe involves mixing 5 crushed Levomycetin tablets (about 2.5 grams of the substance), 2 grams of streptocid, 50 ml of 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid and 50 ml of boric acid solution.

The last recipe is considered one of the most effective and thus aggressive means from spots on the basis of a powder streptotsida. The product dries heavily, so it needs to be applied locally, only on inflamed areas. The use of this lotion in the presence of wounds or injuries of the skin is not recommended.

For oily skin, it is recommended:

  1. Mix the streptocid powder with baby powder in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. The resulting mask is applied to the face with a thin layer for 10 minutes.
  4. After rinse with warm water.

All the above described remedies are effective only if the rashes are not caused by diseases of the internal organs, for example, problems with the liver. Otherwise, after a very short period of time, acne can appear again.