How to fry the liver?

Many housewives do not like to cook the liver because of the great likelihood of suffering a fiasco. From our recipes you will learn how to avoid this and fry the liver deliciously.

How delicious to fry chicken liver in a frying pan with onions?



Especially delicious is fried in a pan chicken liver, if it is supplemented with onions.

Preparing the preparation of food, chicken liver is washed under cold running water, we remove the film and veins and cut into several fragments. Throw the product into a colander and let it drain for five minutes. Now put the slices of the liver in a bowl with wheat flour, mix it quickly, so that all the liver pieces are bottled and put the mass in a preheated sunflower refined oil. Fry the liver without mixing, until the slices are browned well on one side, and then turn them over with a spatula.

During this time, we clean and cut with semicircles or rings bulb onions. The browned chicken liver is poured and seasoned with a pinch of Italian dry herbs. Now put the onions in the frying pan, mix, cover the frying pan with a lid and put the fire under it just below the average. Fry chicken liver with onions, stirring occasionally, until brown onion rings are purchased and their softness. In conclusion, season the fried liver with the onion once again with a small amount of Italian dry herbs, mix and can serve it, supplemented with your favorite side dish.

How to fry beef or pork liver to make it soft?



If the chicken liver is difficult to spoil, it will in any case be soft, then a similar beef or pork product can easily be turned into something rubbery-tough and tasteless. The recommendations of this recipe will help you avoid unpleasant incidents in the preparation of such a liver.

Important pre-preparation of the liver before frying. Pork liver has a property of bitter, so we recommend it soak for two hours in cold whole milk, cutting a whole piece beforehand into slices no more than one and a half centimeters thick. For a piquant taste, you can add a little sugar. After such soaking, the liver becomes incredibly tender and delicious.

Beef liver before frying must be cleaned from the film, as well as cut all large vessels. The thickness of the slices of the beef product for frying as well as in the case of the pork liver should not exceed one and a half centimeters.

In order to make the liver even softer and tender, you can sprinkle the prepared slices with baking soda and leave for an hour. After a while, rinse carefully the hepatic slices with cold water and can begin to fry.

To do this, properly prepared pieces of pork or beef liver paniruem if desired in flour or sesame seeds and put in sunflower refined oil heated in a frying pan. Fry the product from three to five minutes on both sides, and then cover the frying pan with a lid and let the liver come to the ready.

Both pork and beef liver can not tolerate prolonged temperature treatment. It is enough only to achieve complete roasting of liver slices and you must immediately remove the dishes from the fire. Otherwise, the result of the dish may not be as soft as we would like. For the same reason, you should not salt the liver at the beginning of cooking. To do it better, when already one side of the product will be fried or after a full frying of the dish before serving.