Thistle oil - useful properties

The milk thistle oil, or as it is also called in other words Thistle, has been known in medicine since ancient times and is widely used in the world of modern pharmaceuticals. The healing properties of this plant were known even in ancient Greece, and the first mention of milk thistle dates back to the times of ancient medicine. Much later, oil from the seeds of thistle began to be actively used throughout Europe. Today, the use of this plant in medicine is allowed in many countries, because the milk thistle oil is of great benefit, and does not harm the human body.

Therapeutic properties of thistle oil

The milk thistle oil is considered to be a useful and valuable product, which is why it is widely used in folk medicine. The therapeutic properties of milk thistle oil are associated with the presence in it of a different complex of fatty acids, among which:

  1. Chlorophyll - excellently activates metabolic processes in cells, and also promotes tissue rejuvenation.
  2. The carotenoid and tocopherol - stimulate the general process of recovery of the body and strengthen immunity.

So what is the use of thistle oil? The use of milk thistle oil is also manifested in its anti-inflammatory, epithelializing and antiulcer effect. Not for nothing that this kind of oil is recognized as one of the most powerful and powerful vegetable oils. It is used to prevent virtually all diseases of the biliary tract, including in diabetes, various allergies and psoriasis.

Thistle oil treatment

Useful properties of milk thistle oil have long been used in folk medicine for the prevention of the following diseases:

It is very useful for vessels, so treatment with milk thistle is carried out when it is necessary to effectively clean their walls from harmful accumulations and prevent excessive formation of cholesterol. Most often, the milk thistle oil has useful properties through massage and cosmetic procedures. The substances included in its composition show excellent results in the treatment of burns. If you need to heal a burn or a badly healing wound, you need to moisten the napkin in the oil, then apply it to the affected skin. If the burn is serious enough, it is advisable to leave such a compress for a long time (not less than 40-50 minutes).

If you suffer from a disease such as stomatitis or periodontitis, it will be helpful for you to do compresses daily with this oil for gums (such manipulations must be done 10-15 times a day). The course of treatment should take at least one month, but as a result you will have healthy and strong gums.

If your goal is a healthy heart, then the milk thistle oil will please you with its healing properties. If you have found any heart disease, it will be very useful to take this kind of oil 2 teaspoons every day before eating.

Also, the beneficial properties of thistle oil are important for women during douching. If you suffer from erosion of the cervix, then syringing the solution in the proportion of 50-70 milliliters of water to half a tablespoon of oil will give a noticeable effect after 8-10 procedures.

Nevertheless, do not forget that before using thistle oil, if you suffer from serious diseases, it will be best to consult a doctor.