Solyanka from cabbage with mushrooms - the most delicious recipes of a simple Russian dish

Solyanka from cabbage with mushrooms has nothing to do with the traditional Russian hot brew. More similar to vegetable stew, it stews in a minimum amount of liquid with onions, carrots and tomato paste, until it turns into a distinctive, tasty, aromatic dish, which in winter is served on the table as a simple but hearty garnish.

How to make a hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage?

Mushroom hodgepodge with cabbage is one of the most popular winter dishes. For many housewives, the low cost of the products used and the simplicity of their preparation are especially valuable: you just cut the mushrooms and onions, chop the cabbage, grate the carrots and put out everything with tomato paste for half an hour on low heat.

  1. The recipe for a delicious saltwort with mushrooms and cabbage suggests correctly prepared ingredients. Cabbage should be cleaned from hard leaves, remove the stalks and finely chop. Careless shredding will make the dish sloppy.
  2. For a salted mushroom any mushrooms will approach, but from wood - the dish is more tasty.
  3. Using fresh mushrooms in the hodgepodge, one should take into account their unpleasant taste and acidify the dish with lemon juice.

Solyanka from fresh cabbage with mushrooms

The recipe for saltwort with fresh cabbage mushrooms will be of interest to a wide range of people. Vegetarians and admirers of healthy food will appreciate the useful composition and dietary qualities of stewed vegetable dishes, and the housewives, who are eager to feed the family cheaply and nutritionally, are the simplicity of cooking, in which the cutting of vegetables is the most difficult.



  1. Cabbage, onions and carrots fry 10 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms, pasta, water, spices and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Before serving, a fresh cabbage soup with mushrooms is sprinkled with herbs.

Cabbage solyanka with mushrooms and potatoes

Cabbage soup with mushrooms - a dish, the nutrition of which can be regulated by various additives. In this case, in the role of the latter, it is preferable to use potatoes. It is perfectly combined with vegetables and adds a nutritional value and density. However, the potato is quickly boiled, so before frying it is fried in a frying pan.



  1. Fry potatoes.
  2. Add the onions, carrots, mushrooms, spices and tomato for 10 minutes.
  3. Enter cabbage, water, pasta and cook for 20 minutes.

Salsola with meat, mushrooms and cabbage

Preparation of a saltwort with cabbage and mushrooms is not limited to the use of vegetables alone. So, meat eaters can diversify the dish with their favorite products. Often pork is added to the hodgepodge. This sort of meat makes the dish more nutritious, juicier, greasy and more convenient, as pork is cooked simultaneously with vegetables.



  1. Mushrooms, carrots and onions.
  2. Separate fry the meat.
  3. Add cabbage, tomatoes, garlic and put out for 5 minutes.
  4. Combine all ingredients, pour in water and sauce.
  5. Solyanka from cabbage with mushrooms and meat is cooked for 30 minutes.

Solyanka with pickled mushrooms and cabbage - recipe

Those who want to diversify the preparation of mushroom salted cabbage with cabbage with new elements can use salted mushrooms. The latter not only add freshness, crunchiness and a pleasant salty taste, but will also remind you of Russian culinary traditions, when mushrooms were taken from a tub, washed, fried with vegetables and cabbage, and stewed for a long time.



  1. Mushrooms rinse and fry together with onions and carrots for 5 minutes.
  2. Add cabbage, pasta, water and seasonings.
  3. Solyanka from cabbage with salted mushrooms languishes 45 minutes.

Solyanka with dried mushrooms and cabbage - recipe

A particularly tasty hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage is obtained from dried mushrooms. Thanks to this method of storage, the mushrooms contain all the necessary vitamins, preserve the natural taste and concentrate the aroma that is passed to the broth during cooking. For cooking, mushrooms are soaked, boiled, decocted and filtered into a dish.



  1. Soiled for 30 minutes mushrooms, cook. Decoction of the broth.
  2. Fry onions, carrots and mushrooms.
  3. Add cabbage, spices, tomato, broth.
  4. Mushroom hodgepodge in the home is stewed for 20 minutes.

Salsola with mushrooms and sauerkraut - recipe

Solyanka from sauerkraut with mushrooms is a traditional Russian dish. From time immemorial, sauerkraut was revered for the sour taste, giving piquancy to food, and a rich vitamin composition that has a beneficial effect on the body. True, the technology of souring makes cabbage tougher, but it's easy to fix it by putting it out in water for 15 minutes.



  1. In cabbage, add 200 ml of water, butter, vinegar and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Put cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, pasta, sugar and after 20 minutes remove from heat.

Solyanka from cauliflower with mushrooms

Solyanka with mushrooms and cabbage in the oven is the most useful option. Today, modern cooking offers not only gentle heat treatment, but recipes with new ingredients. So, with a cauliflower, the dish will acquire a fresh taste and appetizing appearance, as it does not lose shape even with prolonged burning in the oven.



  1. Cook cauliflower for 5 minutes.
  2. Fry mushrooms, onions and carrots.
  3. Add all components, add tomatoes, sour cream and 200 ml of water.
  4. Solyanka from cabbage with mushrooms stewed in the oven at 200 degrees 20 minutes.

Soup with salt mushrooms and cabbage - recipe

Soup-hodgepodge with cabbage and mushrooms - ideal hot for the cold season. Often, for satiety, the dish is varied with meat products, but this recipe is not from this number. The use of fresh and dried mushrooms in it makes it possible to achieve richness and nutritional value, and fresh and sour cabbage - a classic sour taste.



  1. Dried the mushrooms.
  2. Broth the broth, chop the mushrooms.
  3. Fry onions, carrots, fresh mushrooms, sauerkraut.
  4. Add the sauce, fresh cabbage and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Combine with broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Solyanka from cabbage with mushrooms in multivarka

Mushroom hodgepodge with cabbage in the multivark - one of the preferred options. As always, the modern gadget saves cooking time and copes well with the quenching, relieving hostesses of the hassle. In the cooking process, you need to sweat the mushrooms, onions and carrots on the "Zharke" and, adding the remaining components, complete the process in the "Quenching" mode.



  1. Onions, carrots and mushrooms will be cooked on Zharka for 15 minutes.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and cook in the "Stewing". Mushroom hodgepodge with cabbage at home will be ready in 30 minutes.

Cabbage toasting with mushrooms for the winter

Vegetable hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage has a variety of cooking techniques. Those who want to get a delicious product and save time can be stocked with solyanka for future use . All that is needed is to use the classic recipe, increasing the extinguishing time to 45 minutes, adding a preservative and sterilizing the workpiece for better storage.



  1. Onions, carrots and cabbage fry 10 minutes.
  2. Add the mushrooms, laurel, sauce and tomato for 45 minutes.
  3. Pour in the vinegar, spread over the jars and sterilize for 15 minutes.