Vinilin with stomatitis in children

Stomatitis is an infectious disease common among infants. It manifests itself first in the form of a white plaque in the mouth, and later develops into sores that bring a very unpleasant sensation to the child. Because of stomatitis, he can refuse to eat. Also, babies swollen with gums, an unpleasant smell from the mouth, and the temperature may rise. Having seen signs of stomatitis from your child, parents should seek help from a pediatric dentist, who, depending on the cause of the illness, will prescribe the treatment .

Very often, doctors prescribe a drug called vinylin, also known as Shostakovskiy's balm. Let's find out what this medicine is, how to use it for stomatitis, and whether it is possible to give vinylin to children.

Vinilin for newborns

First of all, let's look at the composition of vinyl. Its medical name is polyvinyl butyl ether, and polyvinox plays the role of an active agent here. Vinilin is an ointment with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, and also promotes the early regeneration and epithelization of the oral mucosa.

As for the safety of reception, then vinylin is prescribed to newborn babies for whom the problem of stomatitis is often very urgent. However, it must be used with great care, because uncontrolled use and self-medication can, instead of the expected benefit, harm the baby. Use vinylin ointment for stomatitis in children only on the advice of a doctor and strictly in the doses indicated to them.

Vinilin with stomatitis: a way of applying

For young children, vinylin is contraindicated for internal use. To cure ulcers caused by stomatitis, you should apply a small amount of ointment on a clean napkin and lubricate the wounds in the mouth of the baby. Act neatly, striving to ointment got only on the mucous membrane, covering the inflamed places with a thin layer. This should be done 3-4 times a day 1-2 hours after feeding.

Treatment with vinyliline is usually quite quick to bear fruit. It should continue until complete cure. If the drug does not help within 5-7 days, or the baby develops an allergic reaction caused by the use of vinylamine, stop taking it and consult a doctor for a second consultation.

Contraindications to the use of vinylin are as follows: the drug is not recommended for children with increased sensitivity to drugs, with diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder.