Coconut - benefit and harm

There are many diets that are based on the consumption of high-calorie foods, but only in a limited amount. These include coconut, the benefit and harm of which remain the subject of controversy and numerous studies. The energy value of the product is 364 kcal per 100 g.

Benefit or harm of coconut for losing weight

Despite the high calorie content, it is allowed to bring the product in small amounts into your diet during the diet.

  1. The loss of extra pounds is due to the presence of fatty oils, which contribute to fat burning.
  2. The use of coconut for weight loss also lies in the rigid structure of the pulp, which is fiber. During chewing in the oral cavity a large amount of saliva is released, which leads to the primary digestion of sugars. During this time, a lot of gastric juice is released, which reduces the time of digestion of food. In addition, fiber contributes to the cleansing of the intestine from slags and other decay products, and it fills the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  3. Due to the presence of a large number of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, the metabolism improves and immunity is strengthened.
  4. The composition of coconut oil includes a large amount of lauric acid - a strong antioxidant, which helps to fight excess weight.

Many do not want to suffer from the nut and give preference to dried coconut, the benefits and harm of which remain unchanged, but only the caloric content of such a product increases almost 2-fold.

As for coconut milk, it increases the metabolic rate and improves digestion in general. Included in the composition of the drink is a large number of vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism.

Coconut can bring not only benefits, but harm to the body, but this is possible only when consumed in large quantities, and also in the presence of individual intolerance.

Coconut Diet

This method of weight loss is calculated for 4 days. During this time, depending on your initial weight, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg. The menu is quite simple.

First day:

Second day:

The third day:

Fourth day: