Apricot bones - good and bad

Fragrant and ripe apricots - a favorite treat, which was to taste, both for children and adults. This fruit contains many vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are necessary for every organism. Many eat only the flesh of the fruit, throwing it away as unnecessary. However, the nuclei also have value and the range of their application is quite wide. Bones are used in cooking, in pharmaceutics, in the manufacture of many cosmetic products.

Despite this, there are reports that apricot kernels can harm the body due to the content of harmful substances in them. Let's try to figure out what is their benefit from eating, and what is the harm.

Useful properties of apricot bones

Apricot bone has an amazing chemical composition: proteins, saturated fatty acids, vitamins , essential oils. Kernels are a product known for its valuable and nutrient sources.

The specialists specially produced a variety of apricots with an increased bone. Its core is often used in cooking as a substitute for almonds.

In general, the nuclei do not have a pronounced taste. But such apricots were bred, the bones of which differ for the better taste. They are appreciated for their nutritional value and the fact that they can be used to extract oil in large quantities.

Apricot seed oil has a light texture, thanks to which it can be used to care for delicate baby skin. It is perfect for sensitive and irritated skin. Oil from apricot kernel is able to smooth out wrinkles and tighten the face oval.

Apricot kernels are rich in a very rare vitamin B17, which allows you to fight with cancer neoplasms.

The use of apricot kernels is enormous. The rich chemical composition makes it possible to successfully use them in non-traditional folk medicine: in the treatment of arthritis , arthrosis, diseases of the cardiovascular apparatus, headaches, colds and many other ailments. Used in the raw form of the nucleus will quickly remove from the body parasites.

Nucleoli are high in calories. From them they extract valuable oil. It has antimicrobial, anthelmintic and healing effects. Apricot oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it without causing allergic reactions. It is often added to creams and shampoos.

Benefits and harms of apricot kernels

The use of a moderate amount of bones in a food will have a beneficial effect on the body:

Only it is necessary to take into account that excessive consumption of this product is dangerous. The fact is that it contains the amygdalin substance. Getting into the body, it breaks down into several components, one of which is hydrocyanic acid. This is a dangerous substance for health, the excess of which can cause food poisoning.

Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat apricot pits, doctors respond that you can, but only in limited quantities. The children's norm is no more than five pesos a day, for adults - no more than twenty.

It is important to know that nuclei that have a bitter taste contain the greatest amount of amygdaline. Therefore, it is best to discard them. In order to better protect oneself from poisoning by nucleoli, they should not be abused. It is worth noting that most of the poisonous substances are contained in the tip of the bones, so they are also better not to eat.