What is useful melon - everything you need to know about melons and gourds

Juicy, fragrant and delicious melon is one of the most popular fruits in the summer. Enjoying the flesh, many do not even suspect what benefit they bring to their body. There are many folk recipes, including different parts of this large berries.

Melon - chemical composition

Juicy pulp is made up of 90% of water, but this does not mean that there are no useful substances in it, because everything is even vice versa. It contains coarse fibers, fatty and organic acids. The actual topic is which vitamins are in the melon , and so the list is extensive: E, PP, A, C and Group B. The large berry contains macro and microelements: calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, sulfur, manganese and so on.

Melon - useful properties

With regular consumption of juicy fruits, you can significantly improve your health and speed up the process of treating various diseases. There is a whole list of what the melon is useful for:

  1. The composition contains folic acid and B vitamins, which are important for women's health, and they also help with certain gynecological diseases.
  2. Thanks to the presence of powerful antioxidants, you can get rid of free radicals , and this helps reduce the risk of cancer.
  3. The positive properties of melons are associated with the presence of carotenoids, which are important for eye health, since they reduce the risk of cataracts.
  4. It helps to normalize the nervous system, helping to cope with stressful situations, bad mood and insomnia. Included in the potassium increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, providing a tonic effect. In the pulp, there are substances that contribute to the development of the "happiness hormone".
  5. Flesh and seeds have a helminthic effect. To cope with parasites, it is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of juice.
  6. Treatment of melons in folk medicine is used due to anti-inflammatory action and with the daily use of pulp it is possible to prevent the destruction of joints and bone tissue.
  7. The rich chemical composition causes a positive effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels, so you can reduce pressure, remove bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of serious illness.
  8. Since the flesh is 90% water, it has a powerful diuretic effect, so that the fetus can be considered a natural treatment for kidney stones kidney and nephritis.
  9. Useful properties are also manifested with external application, for example, a breast compress from the pulp will help with asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  10. To quickly get rid of bruises and abscesses on the skin, you can use the pulp and melon peel. With allergies take a melon bath.
  11. Dried seeds can be used by men to increase potency.

Melon for the stomach

Due to the availability of fiber, juicy pulp will be useful for the work of the digestive tract, cleaning the intestines and improving its motor skills. It also positively affects the neuro-trophic processes, which is important for the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines. Finding out if a melon is useful, it should be said that not fully ripe melon can cause unpleasant sensations in the stomach. It is forbidden to eat flesh on an empty stomach and it is best to use it as a snack. When eating melons in large quantities, indigestion may occur.

Melon with gastritis

This melon culture refers to heavy for digestion products, even for processing a small piece of the organism spends a lot of energy and time. As a result, other food that is in the stomach, begins to wander, so the fruit is not recommended for people with gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. Another important point is melon for heartburn, and so it is not included in the list of forbidden foods, but it should be borne in mind that in combination with some products it itself can cause such discomfort.

Melon with constipation

According to statistics, every year more and more people suffer from constipation. It is explained by unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. Finding out why the melon is useful, it is worth pointing out that it effectively cope with such a problem as constipation, since it has a strong laxative effect. This is due to the fact that the pulp contains a lot of cellulose and pectin, which contribute to the escape of bile. Not so strong, but has a laxative effect and dried melon.

Melon in Diabetes

Although this berry is sweet, people with diabetes can occasionally pamper themselves with a small amount of delicious pulp. In this case, it is worthwhile to know how useful the ripe melon is:

  1. Juicy fruit has a diuretic and laxative effect, helping to get rid of constipation and harmful slags. Positively, it affects the digestive system and metabolism.
  2. Melon in diabetes is useful because of the presence of folic acid, which helps normalize the hematopoietic function of the spleen and increase the parameters of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
  3. With type 2 diabetes, the berry is useful in reducing blood pressure by removing atherosclerotic changes.
  4. It is important to clarify with your doctor how much you can eat melons, because each person has an individual dose of insulin. In the second type, not more than 200 g of flesh is allowed.

Melon for the liver

Juicy pulp is well absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful substances, improving the work of internal organs. The composition of fruits includes antioxidants, which are important for liver diseases. The use of melon for the body is associated with its ability to restore and adjust the work of the body. When liver diseases it is recommended to drink water extract of melon seeds.

Melon in pancreatitis

To understand whether it is possible to include a juicy fruit in your diet , it is important to consider the phase of the disease.

  1. The acute form. In this case, the pulp should be abstained, since it stimulates the production of gastric juice, which causes pancreatic secretion. Simple carbohydrates create an additional load on the endocrine cells of the pancreas, worsening its work.
  2. Remission. Melon, the benefit of which is due to its rich chemical composition, while maintaining a normal sugar exchange is allowed. First it is better to eat in the form of jelly or mousse. If the condition does not worsen, then you can already eat the flesh.

Melon with weight loss

Many believe that sweet fruit is forbidden to eat if you want to lose weight. In fact, in small quantities, melon is even useful in losing weight. In addition, it is worth noting the fact that there are special melon diets . A common misconception is that the melon is high in calories, but in fact 100 g of pulp contains only 35 calories. There are other advantages to this unusual berry:

  1. Helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins.
  2. Has a diuretic effect, removing excess water from the body and thus eliminating swelling.
  3. Melon in the diet is an excellent option for snacks, because it helps to get rid of hunger. Use it as a useful dessert.

Melon in Cosmetology

This useful product could not be left without attention from cosmetologists. Traditional cosmetic products have long proved their effectiveness even in comparison with expensive store means. Benefits of a melon for the body of a woman is huge, because with the help of the pulp and juice of this berry you can cope with various skin problems, improve the condition of the hair and improve the whole body.

Melon for the face

Masks made on the basis of melon pulp, with regular use give stunning results. To prepare them for the flesh of the berries add different ingredients. To make milk, it is necessary to mix melon juice, milk and plain water in equal proportions. In the role of toning tonic, you can use ordinary juice berries. To make sure of this, it is necessary to know what is useful for a melon for the face:

  1. Thanks to the carotene and potassium included, it has a moisturizing effect and increases metabolism .
  2. Has antimicrobial and drying effect, which is important for people with oily skin.
  3. Slows down the aging process, accelerates the regeneration of the skin, giving it velvety and soft, for all this is a mask for a person from a melon.
  4. Comprising ascorbic acid enhances the process of collagen formation, which makes the skin taut and elastic.
  5. Helps reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, improve complexion and protect yourself from the negative effects of UV radiation.

Melon for hair

There are many folk remedies intended for hair care. To improve the condition of the hair, you need to rub the juice into your hair and wrap it with a film for 40 minutes. For a fatty type, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice. Masks from melons have the following effect:

  1. The constituent silicon improves the condition of the hair, making it shiny and silky.
  2. Finding out how useful a melon for hair, it is worth pointing that the composition includes a unique substance inositol, which helps strengthen hair bulbs and as a result, the hair ceases to fall out.
  3. With regular use disappears dullness, and the hair becomes elastic.