Dermatosis - symptoms

External influences and internal adverse factors are reflected, first of all, on human skin. A wide range of various skin diseases was called dermatosis - the symptoms combine a whole complex of pathological changes. There are also cases when this disease developed against the background of emotional overload and stress.

Symptoms of ordinary dermatosis

Symptomatology has a number of characteristics in accordance with the patient's age. Children carry the pathology much easier, the dermatosis is manifested only by rashes with intense exudation.

In adolescence and adulthood, the symptoms of the disease include the presence of vulgar acne, oily seborrhoea.

Elderly people suffer from the most unpleasant symptoms - keratomas, skin atrophy, hemosiderosis, senile warts.

Itchy allergic dermatosis - symptoms

This form of disturbance arises from contact of the body with the allergen, most often - pollen of plants, hair of domestic animals, personal hygiene means. Itching dermatoses manifest in the form of extensive rashes. Small red pimples can merge and form uniform spots, which eventually become covered with a crusty crust of gray-yellow color. A distinctive sign of the disease is very severe itching.

Viral dermatosis

For the type of disease in question, the symptoms of pathology are characteristic, which caused it:

  1. With papillomavirus infection nodules, warts, skin growths are formed.
  2. In herpetic lesions, there are bladder dermatoses (lichen, chicken pox) with a large number of small rashes in the form of blisters filled with fluid or exudate.
  3. When infected with viruses transmitted by airborne droplets, the exanthema develops: rubella, measles , infectious erythema.
  4. In the presence of molluscum contagiosum, a small nodule is visible on the skin, which rises above its surface. The color of the build-up has a pink hue, when squeezed from the mollusc white white liquid flows out.

It is worth noting that vesicular dermatoses can develop against a background of clinical course of autoimmune diseases. In such cases, blisters also appear on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, the larynx. In the absence of appropriate therapy, the blisters spontaneously burst, and in their place remain painful erosions that are not prone to epithelialization of damaged tissue.