What is more useful - blueberries or blueberries?

Blueberries and blueberries are berries that grow in the forests of Siberia, but there are also special plantations where they cultivate these plants. Many have not seen how these berries grow, so they are sure that blueberries and blueberries are the name of one culture. In fact, these are different fruits, differing not only in appearance, but in their composition. We propose to understand what is better than blueberries or blueberries, and how these berries differ from each other. It is worth noting that they are eaten not only in fresh form, but also widely used in cooking for cooking in the first place a variety of desserts.

Before we understand, in the beneficial properties of blueberries and blueberries, let us consider the external differences of berries. First of all look at the receptacle, so in blueberry it is of irregular shape, while in blueberry, on the contrary, it is even and round. Blueberry berries are larger and lighter, and inside it is a flesh of greenish color. Blueberries are a little smaller and practical black with dark blue flesh. Many are also interested in what tastes better than blueberries or blueberries, but it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since everyone has his own preferences. The only thing that can be said is that blueberries have a more vivid, sweetish taste, but blueberries are considered more fresh with a slight sourness.

What is more useful - blueberries or blueberries?

Berries contain a large number of vitamins, minerals, acids, coarse fibers and other substances that cause a number of beneficial actions on the body. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins - substances that increase the rate of formation of the visual pigment of rhodopsin. It is proved that if you eat at least 1 tbsp. blueberries, the person starts to see better and tolerates long loads on the eyes, for example, when working at a computer. In addition, the risk of developing diseases associated with vision is reduced. In the bilberry there are many flavonoids aimed at strengthening the vessels. Berries are recommended for atherosclerosis and various circulatory disorders. Bilberry contains a large number of anthocyanidins - natural antioxidants, which are actively fighting free radicals.

About the bilberries we talked, now we will understand what is useful and blueberries, so the hormone contains the hormone resverotrol, which causes a rejuvenating effect. Another blueberry is useful for the cardiovascular system. These forest berries contain minerals that regulate metabolism and promote hemopoiesis. It should be said that blueberries are the champion among berries by the presence of pectins, which bind harmful substances and remove them from the body. The berry is rich in polyphenols, which expand the blood vessels and reduce the number of fat cells.

The composition of blueberries and blueberries includes pectins, so berries are considered an excellent natural remedy in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They help to normalize the metabolism, restore the stool and improve the functioning of the intestine. The rich composition of blueberries and blueberries makes them useful for strengthening immunity, enhancing the protective functions of the body.

Despite the fact that blueberries and blueberries benefit, they can cause harm to the body. For example, if there are berries in large quantities, then it is possible to disrupt the work of muscles, since they contain many antioxidants that do not allow oxygen to flow to the muscle tissue. Even with the absorption of berries in large quantities, the occurrence of nausea, vomiting and headache may occur. Using blueberries and blueberries, it is worth remembering that there are people with an individual intolerance of such berries. Blueberries are contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the pancreas and duodenum.