Calories in foods

Calories - an indicator of the energy value of the product, that is - an indication of how saturated our body from the consumption of a product. However, a large number of kilocalories does not mean that our body is full. Having eaten a few chocolate bars you can fully cover the daily energy requirement, but this does not provide us with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

At the same time, calories are a terrible dream of all women who fight day after day with excess weight. Therefore, to learn how to count calories for weight loss is perhaps the most important tactical element of the war with fat deposits.

Daily calorie count is the best diet?

Many nutritionists recommend counting calories in foods on a regular basis, as this, like nothing else, should lead to the desired weight loss. The moral here is simple: to consume less than you spend. That is, having reduced the amount of consumed kcal, there is a chance to lose weight. But not everything is so simple.

First, the energy costs of all people differ from the type of activity (mental or physical labor), from the frequency of exercise, and from the metabolism itself, which is slowed down or accelerated genetically. So, the first thing you need is to calculate how much each of us spends.

The formula of caloric intake per day for women:

650+ (9.6 × body weight) + (1.8 × height in cm) - (4.7 × number of years)

The result is increased by a factor, depending on the way of life:

In addition, it should be realized that the figures are averaged, because we spend energy and washing dishes, cleaning and even when we sleep. Our body always works, so something and yes consumes.

Secondly, we proceed to the most important thing, how to count calories in order to lose weight . You will need:

First, learn how to read the caloric content on packages, first of all, it can stop you when buying a high-calorie product. Remember, in tea, coffee, water calories are not considered, we take into account only additives - sugar, milk, cream. Hang in the most visible place the calorie table of products and start counting.

So you bought 0.5 kg of cottage cheese and you want to eat some with sour cream and sugar. Using the weights, we measure how much is needed, and we calculate the caloric content by the proportion. Caloric content of 100 g of product is indicated in the table, so it's easy to calculate the quantity needed for the portion, and then write it to the notepad, so that next time you do not repeat the counts.

In fruits, calories are very low, from 30 to 60 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the high water content, which is why the calorie content of dried fruits is many times greater. In vegetables, calories are even less than in fruits, due to the lack of fructose.

For a woman, the daily dose of calories can range from 1200 to 2200 kcal. In order to lose weight, we reduce their quantity by eliminating certain products, and we get minus 15% of kcal:

To take another 5% will help us fractional meals , that is, 5-6 meals a day and stopping any meal 3 hours before bedtime. We hope that no one has any doubts about the effectiveness of calorie counting. After all, this diet - a way of life in which there is no need to starve, exclude carbohydrates or favorite foods, just love yourself and a little bit of math!