Figs from a cough

Autumn-winter season in people with low immunity is often accompanied by a cough, which is difficult to get rid of. A person with prolonged cough, as a rule, tries to use medicines in the treatment - antibiotics or herbal medicines. Nevertheless, people's remedies should not be neglected, which are sometimes more effective than any medication.

Thus, figs are a frequent component in the recipes of traditional medicine, and especially if it is a cough medicine. This fruit has a number of useful substances that help the body fight the cold and cleanse the lungs.

Why does figs help against coughing?

Treatment of cough with figs is not by chance a popular folk method: this fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, various trace elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.) that support the body in a healthy state.

Also, the fig has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, is used by many people as a natural laxative, from which it can be concluded that this fruit helps the body to get rid of toxins that, among other things, do not cough.

How to treat a cough with a fig?

From the fig make a mixture and decoctions, which in combination with other ingredients give a positive effect. Before using the figs, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to this fruit, including food allergy and diabetes.

Figs are convenient to use from cough for children: kids like its sweet taste, and therefore parents do not have to persuade the child to take the remedy for a long time. In addition, figs are a natural ingredient, and it does not harm children's health, artificially increasing the immune resistance to the disease.

All recipes for cough use dried or fresh figs to choose from.

Treatment of cough with figs and milk

This remedy is considered one of the most effective and easy to prepare. You need to take fat milk - 1 liter (not only shop, but also home, pair: goat or cow). The higher the fat content of milk, the faster the cough will pass, as the throat will be regularly lubricated with natural fats, which prolong the warming effect. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and put it on a slow fire.

Then take the figs and rinse it well. After that, put 5 figs in a saucepan with milk and cover. Cook them for about half an hour, and then remove the pan from the plate, roll it with a terry towel and let it brew for 3 hours. Ingredients are used separately: a fig cooked in milk as a cough remedy should be eaten several times a day before meals, and milk should be drunk for the night hot.

Dried figs from cough and honey

This remedy for cough and figs helps those who do not cough for a long time, not only because of illness, but also because of smoking. Take 10 fig fruits and chop. Then take 10 tbsp. honey and mix them with figs: manually or with a blender. Take the drug for 1 tsp. twice a day: morning and evening.

Fig with radish

Take 1 radish, peel it and grate it. Then grind the figs - 6 fruits and mix with the radish. After that, add 10 tablespoons to a container with a fig and a radish. liquid honey and mix. The product should be infused for a day in a cool dark place, after which it can be used for 1 tablespoon. in the morning.

How to store funds for cough and figs?

The given recipes are intended for several servings. However, the problem is that there are perishable products in them (the radish gets dark and the milk sours).

The fig with milk should be stored in the refrigerator and heated before use.

A fig with a radish should be placed in a jar with a synthetic or twisting lid to reduce the radish's darkening speed.

The fig with honey does not require special storage conditions.