Cellulite wraps at home

The rapid rise in prices has affected the services of professional cosmetologists, so more women are looking for ways to self-care for the body. As it turned out, wraps from cellulite at home, with proper and regular implementation, are not inferior to salon procedures in terms of efficiency and speed of achievement of results.

What are the wraps against cellulite in the home?

There are only 2 types of procedure under consideration - hot and classic (cold) wrapping.

In the first case, local blood circulation activates, the pore vessels expand, and a large amount of oxygen enters the tissues. This removes excess fluid from the skin, intensifies metabolic processes.

Cold wraps, on the contrary, contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels. As a result, skin tone rises, and toxins accumulated in it are actively excreted together with lymph.

It is impossible to say which of these procedures are the best wraps from the expressed cellulite at home. The most effective professional cosmetologists consider the alternation of cold and hot method of influence, in combination with diet and exercise special physical exercises.

Recipes of hot wraps from cellulite at home

The most popular procedures of this type are based on natural clay, chocolate and mustard.

Clay Wrap Recipe


Preparation and execution

Mix the ingredients, the clay can be replaced with mud from the Dead Sea. As a result, a thick mass without large particles, like fatty sour cream, should be obtained.

Apply the composition on problem areas of the skin, wrap the cosmetic film in several layers. Lie down to rest for 35-45 minutes, then wash off the mass with water.

Chocolate wrapping the thighs against cellulite at home


Preparation and execution

First mix the butter and cocoa, then add water to the mixture, to achieve consistency consistency.

Evenly lubricate the hip to the knees, wrap in a film, you can put on top of thermal underwear. Take cover with a blanket and spend 40 minutes lying down, after which you wash off the compound.

Mustard anti-cellulite wrap


Preparation and execution

Dissolve mustard in water, so that the mass has acquired the consistency of mayonnaise, add honey.

Cover the problem areas with the resulting composition, wrap the film, wear comfortable clothing. Within 20-35 minutes to actively move, you can walk, run, perform physical exercises.

Cold or classic wraps from cellulite at home

This kind of spa treatment is recommended in 2 versions - with algae and coffee.

The recipe for wraps with sea kale


Preparation and execution

Pour the powder with water, mix, leave for 40 minutes to allow the algae to swell. Drain excess liquid.

Distribute the sea kale on the sites with cellulite, wrap the food film. After 45-60 minutes, remove the mass from the skin.

Wrapping feet from cellulite with ground coffee at home


Preparation and execution

Pour the coffee with water, leave until the gruel cools. Mix the mass with essential oil.

Apply the composition to the skin with problem areas, wrap it with a film. Rest in the horizontal position for 50 minutes, then take a shower.