Purulent maxillary sinusitis - causes and important treatment rules

Inflammation of the maxillary sinus, in which there is an accumulation of pus in her cavity - is purulent sinusitis. According to statistics, the incidence of this disease significantly increases in the autumn-winter period. Doctors say that in children the genyantritis occurs more often than in adults, and it proceeds in a more complex form.

Purulent maxillary sinusitis - causes

Provoke the development of this disease pathogenic microorganisms. That they began to multiply actively, and there was inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, you need a push and this can be such factors:

Purulent maxillary sinusitis - symptoms

Many people face such a problem as sinusitis after a flu and cold. In the beginning, it has a sharp shape, and in an unfavorable course it passes into a chronic one. If symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are found, then it is necessary to start treatment in time and recovery will come in 10-12 days. More often the inflammation is observed in one sinus. If the problem simultaneously involves two maxillary sinuses simultaneously, then bilateral acute purulent maxillary sinusitis is diagnosed.

Acute Sinusitis - Symptoms

Not notice signs of an acute form of this disease is unrealistic, because they are pronounced. Acute purulent sinusitis can be recognized by such symptoms: chills, fever, frequent headaches and nasal congestion. Painful sensations in the patient are intensified by the compression of the teeth and the inclination of the head. Externally, you can see the swelling of the eyelids and the area near the bridge of the nose. Purulent antritis accompanied by green secretion with an unpleasant odor. Clearing the nose of mucus and pus without treatment is impossible.

Chronic sinusitis - symptoms

When the period of remission comes, the disease manifests itself sluggishly. Chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis is determined by such signs:

Than purulent sinusitis is dangerous?

It is a mistake to believe that sinusitis is a non-dangerous disease that can be cured on its own. Acute bilateral purulent maxillary sinusitis is dangerous because there is a nearby brain and eyes that can suffer. If you do not carry out treatment, then irreparable complications can develop. There is a high risk of eye problems and even blindness. In addition, a person ceases to normally smell. The most terrible consequence is the transition of inflammation to the brain and its membranes

Purulent maxillary sinusitis - treatment without puncture

If you find yourself in unpleasant symptoms you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Sowing is carried out on the flora to determine the pathogen and to select the right antibacterial treatment. Before carrying out treatment of purulent maxillary sinusitis, it is recommended to undergo ultrasound, X-ray and CT. Thanks to this diagnosis, you can understand how much the problem is started, and what tissues are involved in the pathological process.

The doctor prescribes medication, and if there is a risk of pus effusion, then a puncture is performed. If a diagnosis is made - purulent maxillary sinusitis, the physician can recommend physiotherapeutic treatment, for example, do a nose wash ( "cuckoo" ), external massage, UHF and electrophoresis . It is worth noting that washing can be done at home, but this procedure is unpleasant and few people manage to do it on their own in full.

Drops with purulent sinusitis

On an obligatory basis, the ENT appoints drops in the nose. This form of drugs has a significant advantage - the drug gets on the mucosa and acts in the focus of infection. Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is carried out with preparations of different directions. Select the remedy should only the attending physician. Before digging in, do a rinse and it is better to take this horizontal position, slightly throwing back your head. The required dose is determined by the doctor. The main drops with genyantritis:

  1. Vasoconstrictors. These remedies do not relieve the inflammation, but they remove the stuffiness of the nose. Use them can not be longer than 6 days otherwise there is an addiction. For example, you can bring Naphthyzin or Nazol.
  2. Hormonal preparations. With purulent sinusitis, drops are used to dilute mucus and pus, improve nasal breathing. They partially relieve the inflammatory process, but do not cope with the infection. Among this group can be identified Aldecin and Baconase.
  3. Preparations with antibiotic. These drugs have a strong antibacterial property, so it destroys the microbes that cause the inflammatory process. Treatment lasts 5-14 days. The doctor often prescribes Polidex drops.
  4. Antihistamines. For instillation, these drops are used to calm the mucosa and reduce the amount of secretion. In addition, such drugs reduce the possibility of allergies to other medications. Fenistil and Allergodil can be cited as an example.
  5. Oil means. In such drops there are plant components that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. Prescribe them to relieve puffiness and prevent drying out of the mucosa due to frequent rinsing. From this category, mention should be made of Pinosol or Tizin.
  6. Immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory drugs. These drops are prescribed when the inflammation has a viral etiology. In most cases, they contain human interferon. This includes Nazoferon and Laferon.

Antibiotics for purulent sinusitis

Treatment of both forms, that is, chronic and acute, is necessarily performed with the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin. Treatment of purulent maxillary sinusitis with antibiotics lasts 10 days. If the result is absent or addictive, then another drug is prescribed. The patient should use local antibiotics, as well as preparations aimed at diluting the pus, reducing inflammation and painful sensations. Drugs should be selected only by a doctor.

Inhalation with purulent sinusitis

Doctors unanimously argue that with a purulent form of sinusitis, hot inhalations are contraindicated. This is due to the fact that heating contributes to the spread of infection, which is dangerous complications. If purulent maxillary sinusitis is detected, the treatment may include the use of medicinal plants with great biological activity and successfully coping with pathogenic bacteria.

  1. Onion, garlic or horseradish should be crushed and breathed over the emitting aroma. It is important not to approach too close, otherwise it can lead to a burn mucous. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes.
  2. Chestnut oil can be used to treat purulent sinusitis. Put a few drops on a napkin and inhale the fragrance for up to 10 minutes. It is important to avoid discomfort. Carry out the procedure every day until the symptoms disappear.

Purulent maxillary sinusitis - treatment with folk remedies

As an auxiliary therapy and only with the permission of a doctor, proven folk remedies that promote the release of mucus and pus, reduce swelling and accelerate recovery.

If there is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out by such means:

  1. In 1 tbsp. hot water brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort and insist an hour. After that, strain, add 1/4 tsp of salt. With this solution, wash three times a day.
  2. In equal proportions, combine the juice of beet and water, and then take 100 ml and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Instill 5 drops in each nostril. In 10 minutes. rinse the nose with saline.
  3. Take the juice of the blue onion and add potato juice and honey to it. Take the ingredients in equal proportions. Bury 4 drops three times a day.

Purulent maxillary sinusitis - puncture

On an individual basis, doctors prescribe surgery. It should be noted that it is carried out only for the treatment of adults, and for children it does not fit. If bilateral purulent maxillary sinusitis is detected, the puncture will be prescribed, when the prescribed medications have not produced results, it is impossible to remove the accumulated pus, there are problems with the nasal septum or polyps, and the patient's condition has deteriorated.

Describing how to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis, it is worth noting that the most popular form of surgical intervention is a puncture of the nasal sinus wall. The doctor uses a thick needle, which punctures the problematic organ. After this, all pus is removed and a solution of antiseptic and medicine is injected. The doctor additionally prescribes medications to prevent the pus accumulating again.