Miniature Schnauzer - breed characteristics

Each breed of dogs has its own characteristics, habits, character and style of behavior. Therefore, before you buy a dog zwergschnauzer , it is worth studying the characteristics of this breed. It is also important to note the main advantages and possible shortcomings in its content.

Miniature Schnauzer - breed standard

It is a compact and muscular dog, the size of which reaches 30-35 cm in height. The weight of this breed is 4-8 kg. An excellent feature from other dogs is the tall body. This feature is provided by nature in order for a miniature schnauzer to develop high speed. Externally, the head of this dog seems somewhat disproportionate, but in fact it is only a visual deception. The muzzle of the branch has a somewhat elongated and dulled shape. The outer feature is also black, dry lips.

The ears of the zwerge are in a hanging position, though they are set high enough. The back of this dog has a strong and resilient constitution. Strong, very developed paws are expressive. The coat is coarse and tough. This characteristic does not mean that the zwerg is afraid of the cold. Due to the thick undercoat, it easily experiences severe frosts.

Another expressive and unforgettable external feature of the duckweed is dense eyebrows and beard. The presence of such eyebrows somewhat covers the small, oval eyes of the dog. The standard of the breed provides for not only black and white color, but also such as: chocolate, black and silver. Life expectancy of the duckweed is 12-16 years.

Miniature Schnauzer: Breed characteristics and conditions

This breed has strong qualities and is considered official. Hidden behind the eyebrows hide the dog's attentive and intelligent look. This breed is very popular all over the world. This is due to the fact that the Zwergschnauzer has an excellent character. Despite the appearance, he is very brave and is one of the best guards of your house. With all this, zwerg is very nice with children, very fond of his master and the family in which he lives.

This breed does not suit all dog breeders. To educate the duckweed and be for him an authority, it is necessary to have a strong, strong-willed character and mind. Otherwise, the zverg will make his own decisions and enter into trouble as soon as he sees the danger or threat to the owner. In doing so, everyone, this dog respects its kinsmen, regardless of size. Big dogs also do not frighten him at all.

Despite the fighting nature and watchful qualities, the zwerg is very playful and cheerful. He needs communication and a joint pastime with his master. If you can not give the dog proper attention, his discontent will be expressed in aggression and disobedience.

Care for the duckweed is not complex or specific. The main part that should be given more attention is wool. Combing such a fur is twice a week with a hard brush. Water procedures are not mandatory and should not be frequent. Bathing zwerga is only necessary if necessary. The rarity of these procedures is also related to the cleanliness of the duckweed. Walking in the open air should take at least an hour and is conducted at least 2 times a day.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding this dog. Despite all its advantages, the zwergschnauzer also has some disadvantages: a tendency to obesity, so it is strictly forbidden to overfeed or give food from the table to the dog. It is better to use a balanced dry food. Dilute the diet can be meat broths, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, meat or fish.