How to reduce the temperature in a child?

Body temperature is one of the most important indicators of the state of the body. The increase or decrease in body temperature in children most often indicates a developing disease. That is why it is so important to pay attention in time and adequately respond to changes in the temperature of the child.

In this article, we'll talk about how to quickly reduce the child's heat, when you need to lower the temperature and in which cases this should not be done.

Is it necessary to reduce the temperature?

Of course, any parent, noticing an increase in body temperature of the baby, first think about the possibility of its lowering and return to normal. But in some cases, a forced increase in temperature can be harmful and even dangerous. First of all, this refers to a slight increase in temperature (not reaching the level of 37.5 ° C). At subfebrile temperature (37.5-38 ° C), it is necessary first of all to monitor the behavior and condition of the child - if the baby behaves normally, you can try to do without medication, using sparing folk remedies for normalizing the temperature.

If the temperature rises to the level of 38 ° C, the baby becomes sluggish and sleepy, it is better to resort to proven medication.

It is important to remember that no matter how much the temperature of the baby's body has increased and how he tolerates it, it is better to consult a pediatrician. At temperatures above 37.5 ° C, seek medical advice immediately.

How to reduce the temperature without medication?

Among the popular ways how to lower the temperature of a child, the first place is wiping with vinegar. To do this, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of table vinegar in warm water, moisten with a solution of a cloth or sponge, and wipe the child with it. First of all, it is better to wipe the areas of the body where large blood vessels are located close enough to the surface of the skin - the neck, armpits, inguinal folds, popliteal cavities, elbows.

Some believe that the water for rubbing should be necessarily cool, and even cold. Meanwhile, cold water causes a spasm of blood vessels, whereas to reduce temperature, the vessels should be dilated. Sometimes vinegar or alcohol is used instead of vinegar for the same purpose.

To relieve the child's condition, you can make a wet compress on your head (put a towel on your forehead moistened with water). Attention! Wiping can not be used if the child has observed or observed seizures, or there are neurological diseases.

The temperature in the baby's room should not be above 18-20 ° C, and the air should not be overdried. If the air in the room is drained due to the operation of the heating system, moisten it. It is best to deal with this task special humidifiers for air, but if you do not have such a device, you can do without it. Humidify the air in the room you can by regularly spraying water from the atomizer or hanging wet damp cloths in the room.

The child must drink a lot of warm liquid. It is better to give a drink often and gradually, for example, every few 10-15 minutes for a few sips.

All excess clothing from the baby should be removed, allowing the skin to cool naturally.

Soar your feet, go to the sauna or bath, do hot inhalation when the temperature rises, you can not.

If the use of antipyretic drugs is required, drugs in the form of syrups, suspensions or tablets are first used, since the drugs taken orally are the most mild. If, within 50-60 minutes after taking the medicine, the temperature does not begin to decrease, antipyretic suppositories (rectally) are prescribed. If they do not work, you should also make an intramuscular injection of the so-called lytic mixture (papaverine with analgin in 0.1 ml for each year of the child's life).

How to reduce the temperature of an infant?

The general algorithm for removing heat in infants is the same as for older children. The child must be undressed, leaving only a light raspokonku (a diaper also better to remove), lower the temperature of the air in the room and moisten it, water the crumb with warm water. If necessary, you can use antipyretic agents. For babies such drugs are most often issued in the form of rectal suppositories (suppositories).

Children's products that reduce temperature

The main active substance of most drugs to reduce temperature is ibuprofen or paracetamol. With persistent fever, the pediatrician can prescribe analgin, but it is strictly forbidden to use it alone - analgin in the wrong dosage can lead to too rapid a drop in temperature, which is extremely dangerous for children.

Before giving any antipyretic medicine to a child, consult a pediatrician, because self-treatment very often brings more trouble than good.