Dyspepsia in children

Disturbance of digestive processes is a frequent companion of children of the first years of life. Dyspepsia, as one of the diseases of the digestive system, can arise as a result of malnutrition of the child. Food may not be suitable for the child in terms of composition, quality, quantity. Unformed digestive system of the baby is unable to pass those tests that are easily overcome by the digestive system of an adult. Because children are categorically not recommended sharp, salty, fatty, fried foods. It is inadmissible and overfeed a child, in the first months of life this disease can occur even in the baby, if the mother does not enter the diet and follow the recommendations of the baby "on demand." It should be remembered that the prevention of dyspepsia is primarily the correct diet of the baby. But what to do if the diagnosis is already set?

Symptoms and types of dyspepsia in children

Dyspepsia in children is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, deterioration in general condition, mood. A child with dyspepsia becomes pale, weak, shows indifference to the environment around him, his appetite deteriorates, sleep deteriorates. There are different types of dyspepsia in children, such as simple dyspepsia (or functional dyspepsia) and toxic dyspepsia (putrefactive or fermentative) dyspepsia. Unlike simple - with toxic dyspepsia as a result of exposure to putrefactive bacteria on the child's body there is not only a metabolic disorder, liver, cardiovascular system may suffer.

Treatment of dyspepsia in children

At the appearance of the first symptoms of simple dyspepsia, it is recommended to temporarily stop feeding, in small doses, drink the baby with boiled water. Replenishment of fluid in the body is necessary, as vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body. An additional help to the digestive system of the baby will be the intake of enzyme preparations. If a painful condition has been caused by taking a certain product or drug, you must exclude its admission in the future.

While a child who suffers from simple dyspepsia does not require hospitalization, with toxic dyspepsia, treatment at home is impossible. In the hospital, depending on the severity of the disease, various medications are prescribed, diet, nutritional restriction, gastrointestinal lavage.