Than to treat lichen at the child?

Lishay is a very unpleasant disease, which causes a lot of trouble for children and their parents.

This disease leads to the spread on the skin of spots of different shape and color, due to the spread of fungal microorganisms. At the same time the child experiences severe itching and the affected areas are increasing every day.

Every caring parent starts to rush about in search of an answer to the question - how to treat a child's lichen? After all, today the choice of pharmaceuticals is amazing with its assortment, but not every remedy is safe for use in childhood.

Before you start to massage your baby with various drugs, you need to understand the nature of the disease. There are several common types of lichen:

Depending on the type, the most effective treatment is prescribed. Self-treatment is quite dangerous. Lishay swiftly spreads through the skin. In some cases, the cause of the disease may be an allergy and will require the taking of antihistamines. The faster you visit a dermatologist, the sooner you will recover.

Treatment depriving children has its own characteristics. Dermatologists try to select the most sparing drugs on a natural basis. However, much depends on the stage of the disease. In severe cases, the administration of hormonal drugs and antibiotics can be prescribed.

So what is the treatment for depriving children?

  1. Sulfuric ointment. One of the most popular ointments. Lets remove the itch. Has antiseptic and antifungal effect. To enhance the result can act together with other drugs.
  2. Sulfur-tar paste. This remedy for hair loss removes itching in children. It also has a disinfectant effect. Has no side effects.
  3. Serno-salicylic ointment. It has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.
  4. Antifungal drugs. The spectrum of drugs in this group is quite extensive. A competent dermatologist will help to make the right choice so as not to harm the child. Most ointments can have some side effects in the form of itching, burning or irritation at the site of application.
  5. Ointments with active substance terbinafen (Terbiks, Lamizil) have a wide range of effects, but they can be used for children of two years.
  6. Exoderyl with the active component naphthyfine has a quick effect - it easily removes itching and inflammation.
  7. Microseptin , an active substance of zinc undecylenate, will reduce itching and accelerate the process of regeneration of affected tissues.
  8. Hormonal preparations. Flucinar, Sitpar can be prescribed in cases of fungal infections in chronic form.

Picked up, what to anoint deprive the child? This is undoubtedly a very important part of the treatment, but do not forget about the need to prevent the re-infection of the child and his family.

To do this, temporarily remove the carpets and soft toys. As often as possible, perform a wet cleaning in the child's room. Daily change the bed linen of the child. Separate the child's things and iron them with a hot iron.

Watch out for the baby to wear things from cotton fabrics - this will speed up the healing process.

Do not rush to bathe the baby - this will once again provoke the development of the disease. Stick to a diet. Try to exclude too salty, sweet fatty and smoked.

Be sure to explain to the child that street animals can tolerate lichen. Therefore, it is better not to touch them once more, or at least carefully wash your hands after contact.

A timely visit to a dermatologist and the appointment of the right treatment will help you overcome an unpleasant ailment.