Pellets with cottage cheese and greens in a frying pan

Pellets with cottage cheese and greens in a frying pan - a very original and tasty dish. The main thing is that there are no yeast in the test, so they are prepared incredibly fast. Cakes just melt in the mouth and fill with their scent the whole house.

Recipe for cakes with cottage cheese and greens


For filling:


The flour is sieved several times with soda and shallow salt, pour in kefir at room temperature and melted butter. Knead the elastic dough and leave it for 15 minutes in a warm place.

Brynza and cottage cheese we put into a bowl, we rub it with a fork and add chopped shallow greens. Thoroughly mix everything, seasoning to taste with spices. We divide the dough dough into 8-10 identical parts and thinly roll out each one in the form of a flat cake. In the center, distribute the filling and put a small piece of butter. Now gently collect all the edges of the dough, fix them on top and roll out the cake to the size of your frying pan. Fry the billets until a golden crust appears, and then spread the flat cakes on kefir with cottage cheese and herbs in a pile, smearing butter.

Cheese cakes with cottage cheese and greens


For filling:


Kefir slightly warmed, throwing soda and leave for a few minutes. Separately beat eggs with sugar, and then pour the mixture to yogurt. Stir, inject vegetable oil, flour and knead the elastic homogeneous dough. After that, add more grated cheese, form a lump and leave on the table to rest.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for flat cakes: curd mixed with chopped greens, drive the egg and add salt to taste.

We divide the dough into parts, roll each one into a circle, lay out the filling in the middle and join the edges of the flat cake, lifting them upwards. After that, roll the workpiece back into the flat cake and fry it in a frying pan in a hot oil, under the lid. Ready-made hot flat cakes with cottage cheese and greens are stacked on each other with a pile, smearing with butter.