The Goddess Isis - a legend about the most revered goddess of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian gods have been attracting attention for many centuries, and fantastic myths, backed up by real events and people, drag out and immerse in the atmosphere of the past. Isis is no exception. In Egyptian mythology, she was very famous, and her fame came to this day.

Who is the goddess Isis in ancient Egypt?

She was a very kind and positive character and always took the side of good. Isis helped every needy, was hard at the troubles and misfortunes of mortals. Many myths say that for the most part of her skills, she shared with her son Gore and punished him to take care of people. The son was the real dignity of the goddess, and she loved him more than her life.

The ancient Egyptian goddess Isis was a very wise woman. Passing through unrealistic obstacles for a person, she was able to find the strength and yet become a mother, so she was called as the goddess of a home and fidelity. Isis suffered a very long and painful death of her husband, and at the present time her appearance is represented as a fragile virgin with a bird's wing bending over the buried spouse.

What did Isis support?

The great goddess of ancient Egypt Isis was a true embodiment of femininity. All the girls and women prayed and imitated her, in order to show their perfection, love and faithfulness. The goddess Isis had power over the elements of water and wind. Many considered her to be the god of fertility and prosperity in the house. All the goals to which this confident and kind woman went were necessarily achieved, but, unfortunately, like other gods from the heavenly Olympus , Isis had a difficult and difficult fate, with a lot of betrayals.

What did the goddess Isis look like?

The mythology of Egypt represents several forms of the goddess. According to some descriptions she has beautiful bird wings, which, as it were, closes her dead husband from the outside world. Some believe that Isis could turn into an eagle and fly in the sky, looking at people. Contemporaries see her sitting on her knees or breastfeeding her son Horus.

Almost always on her head is the throne, or cow's horns, holding the sun or halo at their ends. The second of her views refers to later times, when people already dubbed her as the goddess of fertility. In itself, her name came from the word "ist" - which in translation means the royal throne, and this throne is considered its main feature in all images.

How revered the goddess Isis?

People of ancient Egypt revered her as the main patroness of women in childbirth. With every birth of a new person, those present were obliged to pray to her, and after successful births to bring gifts. The goddess Isis gave people faith in the magic of healing, raised the vitality of those who needed it, but its most important merit is the preservation of the family hearth. In Egypt she was imitated by many women, melting in herself tenderness, kindness and beauty. In ancient times, it was believed that if the wife dared to change her husband, Isis must punish her for the sin she committed.

The legend of Osiris and Isis

This myth is known to many and its tragedy can affect the heart of anyone. Isis was the faithful wife of Osiris, but his own brother killed him to take possession of his castle and power. And so was Osiris's evil brother, that he ordered to cut his body into small pieces, and not to betray to the ground, so that people could not come to his grave to bow to him. Ishida wandered for a long time, but nevertheless she gathered her husband's body and breathed into him for a moment the vitality for the conception of her son.

The goddess managed to get pregnant, and she gave birth to the beautiful son of Horus, who later transferred all her magical knowledge. She loved him, as she loved her husband, because he was his exact copy, his likeness. Probably, because of such a tragic fate, Isis became the goddess of the home. Having lost her happiness, she helped to find it for others, supporting in difficult life moments.

The Travels of Isis

After the death of her husband, Isis was not afraid to stay in the castle and look into the eyes of her worst enemy. Yet there was no more room for her and she was driven away. A brutal murder caused a poor woman to wander all over Egypt and collect her pieces in pieces to make a mummy out of him. At that time it was the very first attempt at making mummies, following the example of which they began to send the pharaohs to rest.

The wanderings and magic of Isis led her to the city of Bibla, to the shore of the Green Sea. It was there that she got into the house to the queen, because in her castle in a column of wood the trunk with the body of her husband was walled in. For a long time Isis was there as a servant and carefully nursed the son of the queen, secretly making him immortal. But the queen of the castle itself spoiled everything, accusing the goddess of witchcraft over the child. Angry, Isis broke the column and saw the body of her husband cried out loud, and with her cry killed the Queen's son, punishing her with this.