Colin Farrell at the show Ellen Degeneres for the first time talked about his mysterious sweetheart

The famous Irish actor Colin Farrell, who can easily be recognized in the tapes of "Lobster" and "Remember All", is now engaged in the fact that he is advertising his latest work, "The Murder of the Reindeer." The other day Colin was invited to the studio of one of the most popular American shows, where the host is Ellen Degeneres, to tell not only about the new job, but also about his personal life.

Colin Farrell

The name of Farrell's lover is still unknown

However ridiculous it may sound, journalists still can not declassify the name of the beloved Farrell, with whom he has had an affair for almost 2 years. On the show with DeGeneres, the topic of personal relationships with a beautiful stranger could not pass by and Ellen asked at least some details about the girl. That's what the famous actor said about it:

"It seems to me that in order to be happy, it's not at all necessary to show off your feelings. This applies not only to relationships, but generally to any personal information. Now I can only say one thing: "I'm very happy!". Our relationship reminds me of swimming in the open sea, where I and she are 2 ships, which necessarily find a harbor for meetings. We are very similar with her and we have the same life principles and values. She, like me, travels a lot ...

Sometimes it happens that we only have a couple of hours for a date, and it happens at the airport, between flights. Then we go to a cafe and just chat with a cup of coffee. "

Colin Farrell with her friend

After that, the lead show could not resist and began to ask about what the girl Farrell is doing and whether her profession is related to the movie. Here's how the actor answered this question:

"No, my favorite has nothing to do with movies. In general, she is absolutely not a public person. I think that this is for the better, because it is quite difficult for two celebrities to be together. Her travels are not connected with business ... Let's stop at this, because I told you so much. "

Then Ellen asked, so fascinated Farrell was a young beauty. The actor responded this way:

"Do not think that this is her appearance. She, of course, is beautiful, but I fell in love with her for another. This is a number of qualities that are connected in one person. I can say unequivocally that I did not know such girls before. "
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Colin was married 1 time

Despite the fact that Farrel was 41 years old, he was married 1 time and then not for long - 4 months. His wife was the actress Amelia Warner. Two years later, it became known that the actor had a son James, whose mother was model Kim Bordeneyev. Colin took all the content of his son, and a few years later admitted that the boy was suffering from Angelmann's syndrome.

The second son of the actor - Henry - was born in 2009. The boy was born from the novel by Colin with the singer Alicia Bachleda-Tsurush, although a year after the birth of the child they parted.

Colin Farrell and Kim Bordeneyv
Colin Farrell and Alicia Bachleda-Tsurush