Riddles for first-graders

It seemed that yesterday parents led their baby to a kindergarten, and today he is already a first-class student. At this age, children develop very rapidly both physically and intellectually, which means that food for the mind must become more diverse and more complex.

Among the numerous classes that are held in the classroom at school, interesting puzzles for first-graders that affect the school subject, flora and fauna are not forgotten. Using them in the lessons of native speech, reading, natural history, the teacher helps to expand the boundaries of knowledge of his students in a suitable for them, as yet game form.

Children love to solve riddles about the same as they are first-graders, and do not notice that during a fun game they train memory, imaginative and spatial thinking, articulation. To development does not end with a school call, parents should also arm themselves with a dozen interesting puzzles and compete with the child, who will guess more.

Mysteries about the school for first-graders

Having entered a new phase of their life, children begin to learn that there are such things as the daily routine, knowledge, class journal, diary, Knowledge Day, lesson, school board. In addition to these new words, students are introduced to various school supplies, such as a knapsack, a school uniform, a pencil case with handles, textbooks and other attributes of school life. It is on the basis of these concepts that the riddles for first-graders about the school are based, and they allow the children to learn the concepts of a new world for them in an accessible form. Here are some examples of them:

In the winter he goes to school,

And in the summer in the room lies.

As soon as autumn comes,

He takes me by the hand. (Backpack / briefcase)


The school opened the doors,

Let the new settlers in.

Who, guys, knows,

What do they call them? (First-graders)


The order of the day

Was written for me.

I'm not going to be late,

After all, I keep it. (Daily regime)


The city in bows, bouquets.

Good-bye, you hear, summer!

On this day, gay fun

Together we walk to school. (September 1)


The athlete told us

How to find a sports ... (Hall)

Mysteries about animals for first-graders

Although children already go to the first class, they still remain small, which means that the souls do not worship in all kinds of "moustached-striped". The theme of the animal world for them has long been understood and familiar, which means that it is possible, with the help of riddles, to find out who has the best knowledge of the smaller brothers.

Riddles about animals are more often divided into domestic and wild inhabitants. Greater interest first-graders reveal to the familiar Murkas, Barbos and residents of the farmstead. Less knowledge of the children of this age about the wild beasts of our locality. But about exotic whales, sharks, and seals, only the most savvy and attentive can guess the riddle.

To improve the knowledge of the child in this area, parents are encouraged from time to time in the home environment to focus on the fauna, their appearance, habits, habitats, and then the son or daughter will be able to flash their knowledge and in class. Here are examples of such:

Spout - round penny,

A furious tail - crocheted.

Mom is a pig,

Papa - the pig.

He has a favorite son. (Piglet)


The mottled,

Eats green,

Gives white. (Cow)


Man is a true friend,

I can hear every sound.

I have an excellent nose, sharp eyes and a sharp ear. (Dog)


Tell me, what an eccentric

Day and night wearing a suit? (Penguin)


I carry a house on myself,

From animals I hide in it. (Turtle).