Hemostatic drugs with copious monthly

To reduce the volume of lost blood with abundant periods, doctors often use hemostatic drugs. The most common dosage forms of such drugs are tablets and capsules. Consider the often used of them, and give a brief description of each of the drugs.

What drugs are most often prescribed with a plentiful monthly girl?

Perhaps the most common of all is Vikasol. Even women who have never encountered this problem have heard of him.

This drug is a synthetic version of vitamin K, which in the human body takes a direct part in the mechanism of the process of blood clotting. The drug has a wide scope of application, and can be administered during heavy menstrual flow.

However, it is worth noting that this drug is used in the provision of emergency care, i.e. is used once. Thus the daily dose should not exceed 2 tablets of a medicine. Vikasol is not prescribed for women who have thromboembolism.

Also, no less often with copious monthly appoint a reception of such hemostatic tablets, as Etamsilat. The action of the drug is based on the ability of its constituent components to maintain homeostasis without forming blood clots. In other words, the drug reduces the amount of bleeding.

Hemostatic medicament Traneksam also appointed with copious monthly. Refers to a group of inhibitors of fibrinolysin, a substance that promotes the formation of blood clots. Has a local, vivid effect. It is also worth noting that the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which prevents the possibility of development of pathological processes in the internal reproductive organs of a woman. However, this drug with extreme caution is necessary for women who have problems with excretory, cardiac systems, as well as with the visual apparatus.

One of the haemostatic drugs, which are prescribed in case of copious monthly ones with the presence of a myome, is Diferelin. It is a complete analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which negatively affects the course of tumor-like processes. It is prescribed only after a full examination of women.

Also an example of hemostatic drugs with copious monthly dicinone may be prescribed , and with menopause. After all, it is at this age that women often face vascular diseases. It is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, which indicates the multiplicity, and the dosage of the application.

What do women who have profuse menstrual periods?

First of all, if large-scale menstrual discharge were observed for more than one month, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In such cases, first a woman is examined in a gynecological chair, an anamnesis is made. Then the woman is sent for examination, which includes ultrasound, a blood test for hormones, smears from the vagina and the urethra. After establishing the cause, the doctors begin to take active measures.

In those cases when the cause of the disturbance was a change in the state of the vascular system of the body, prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. An example of such may be Ascorutin. It positively affects the tone of the vessels, while reducing the amount of blood released during menstruation. The course of admission is assigned individually.