Signs of a stomach ulcer

It is known that an ulcer has a distinctive property of "reminding" of itself during the autumn and spring seasons. Therefore, the manifestation of the following symptoms at this time gives an occasion to consult a doctor for setting and clarifying the diagnosis of peptic ulcer.

What are the symptoms of a stomach ulcer?

Here are some signs of stomach ulcers can be called basic:

Depending on the degree of development of stomach ulcers, the size and localization of ulcers, the presence of several lesions of the mucosa, these symptoms can be pronounced, up to a painful shock. To start treatment on time and prevent the development of dangerous complications, you need to pay attention to the symptoms that signal the onset of the disease.

The first signs of a stomach ulcer

Do not ignore even the subtle signs that make you suspect a gastric ulcer. A comprehensive examination of the gastrointestinal tract will help determine or exclude stomach ulcers. The first alarming "bells" are:

All these first symptoms of stomach ulcers are characteristic of gastritis, which often leads to the development of peptic ulcer, and may also result from the ingestion of specific Helicobacter pylori bacteria, gradually destroying the mucous membrane, and then all layers of the stomach. Both gastritis and bacterial infection are excellent for treatment. It is only when you seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Open stomach ulcer - symptoms

Chronic peptic ulcer under the influence of stressful situations or a sharply changed diet can become acute. Its popular name is an open stomach ulcer, the symptoms of which can be very intense and require urgent medical elimination:

Perforated ulcer of the stomach - symptoms

But sometimes the course of a peptic ulcer takes a very life-threatening turn. Due to the long-term erosion of the inner shells of the stomach, its integrity is violated. There is a rupture of all layers of the stomach. This is a perforating ulcer. In the absence of surgical intervention within the first 12 hours after the appearance of the first signs of perforation of the ulcer, death occurs in connection with peritonitis (inflammation) of the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of perforated stomach ulcers can not be missed, because they are very intense and pronounced in nature and appear in stages.

  1. First, there is a sharp pain in the stomach, giving in the chest, clavicle or back, like the pain of a knife. Some patients compare the sensations of pain, with the sensations of a strong and sharp burn.
  2. Pain has properties to accrue, intensify during movement and surrounds the entire body.
  3. After a while (from 4 to 6 hours) the pain decreases, a false relief comes.
  4. At this time, the stomach becomes swollen and hard to touch - "stone belly" - due to the accumulation of gases under the diaphragm. Basically, these are the x-ray signs of a stomach ulcer, which indicate a lesion of the abdominal cavity when the contents of the stomach enter it.
  5. The temperature rises, skin covers turn pale, dryness in the mouth is felt.
  6. Gradually, the pain syndrome returns, tachycardia, upset of the stool, and a general strong deterioration in well-being can be observed. This is a critical condition, in which urgent surgery is vital.