Vaginal ultrasound

The most informative method for examining the genital organs in women is ultrasound. Only using ultrasound can accurately determine the causes of abdominal pain, blood discharge and other problems. But to conduct ultrasound through the abdomen a woman needs to drink plenty of water to fill the bladder, and all the organs of the small pelvis were more clearly visible.

In addition, the usual method of ultrasound is unacceptable for obesity. Also, with meteorism, unreliable information is obtained. Therefore, now more often use a more informative method of examination - vaginal ultrasound. It is made by a special sensor. He is injected into the vagina and on the screen receive reliable information about the organs of the small pelvis.

How is vaginal ultrasound done?

The patient lies on her back and spreads her legs bent at the knees. The doctor puts a special condom on the transvaginal sensor and lubricates it with a gel. The sensor is gently inserted into the vagina. Usually, the patient does not experience pain. Sometimes the doctor can press on the stomach to better view some organs.

How to prepare for a vaginal ultrasound?

This method of investigation does not require special preparation. Do not drink a lot of water, and the results of the procedure do not depend on whether you have excess weight. The only thing that needs to be done is in a few days to exclude from the diet products that cause flatulence.

Contraindication for the conduct of ultrasound through the vagina can only be virginity. After all, the correct procedure has no side effects and is used even during pregnancy.

Indications for ultrasound examination by a vaginal sensor

Vaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis helps in the early stages to recognize such conditions as:

The ability to recognize such diseases in time helps to successfully start treatment.

  1. When determining the cause of infertility with ultrasound using a vaginal sensor, the doctor determines whether the follicles are sufficiently ripe, sees if there is obstruction of the tubes and whether all the female organs are properly developed.
  2. In addition, this method of research can accurately assess the size of the uterus and its cervix, the size and location of the ovaries and tubes, the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  3. The doctor determines the presence of tumors with the help of this method, and also can control the process of their treatment.

Vaginal ultrasound in pregnancy

Since three weeks, this method allows you to determine the heartbeat of the fetus. The study can be done up to 14 weeks. It is very important in order to determine whether the child is developing correctly. Vaginal ultrasound helps to recognize genetic diseases and abnormalities in fetal development.

This method of research is especially shown to full women. With its help determine the state of the cervix and in the early stages diagnose placenta previa . This procedure is harmless and painless for both the mother and the child.

Many women do not know how to do vaginal ultrasound, so they are afraid of it. Because of this, often miss the moment when it was possible to cure quickly the disease and doom themselves to complex and lengthy treatment.