Kinds of moles

Today, the location of moles on the human body and their significance is paid less attention, but it is still believed that they can tell a lot about the nature. And some researchers consider them to be a card that can tell about deeds in past lives, and the events taking place in this.

The importance of moles on the human body

Moles, depending on the location, can be a good or bad sign. But you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Birthmarks on the neck

The value of moles in this place on the body of a man is usually negative. Most likely, he is unbalanced, has many weaknesses, and will power is practically absent. His mood can often change dramatically. Often, such people are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and weather changes. Men with such a birthmark can have a high level of mental and spiritual development . But almost always they can not realize their abilities. They do not like to fight for anything, although they can be excellent professionals in their field.

Women with a mole on the neck may seem conservative, but be changeable in the shower. She easily changes her tastes, her life position, under certain circumstances she can change her husband, but she will not hide it. Such women do not like Soviets of others, relying only on their opinions. With all this, she is capable of a very gentle and faithful love, giving herself to the beloved without a trace. Such women appreciate the family hearth, protect it, create coziness. Moles in this place on the body of a girl can have a different meaning, for example, a girl can adopt the line of behavior of her mother and in many ways repeat her destiny.

It should be noted that in rare cases, a mole on the neck can mean a lonely, detached person who does not want to create a family. Usually, their norms of life do not coincide with public opinion, they do not want to recognize the experience of generations. These are excellent critics and hermits of the spirit, they can often be bilious and envious gossips.

Moles on the shoulders

Such marks are considered the legacy of past lives, people seem to bear on their shoulders a burden for all past deeds. Such people are very strong, but they lack the resolve for ordinary things, lacks the drive to get a high-paying position. They can be very stubborn and principled, they rarely recognize the credibility of the people who grew up with them. Also, among the traits of character, one should note patience, laconicity and loyalty to the beloved before self-denial.

Moles on the chest

Such marks on the body are much more important for the girl than the birthmark on the male breast. The birthmarks on the left are able to make a woman an object of worship and universal love, or turn it into an object of short-lived passion. The birthmarks on the right speak of calm love, motherhood and care. It is believed that women with moles on the mammary glands become the most affectionate mothers.

Moles on the chest of the men on the left promise happiness and luck, and on the right - predicts frequent ups and downs. If the mark appeared in the center of the chest, then this is a sign of well-being, although the gold mountains should not wait.

Moles on the abdomen

People with such marks usually find themselves captives of their desires, they are selfish and greedy. Moles on the body of a woman in the waist area are of negative importance, pointing to an eccentric and hysterical nature.

On the ribs, moles indicate weakness and cowardice, which can only be achieved through intense work on oneself. Such people may be characterized by rudeness, but if the mole on the right, it is mitigated by the presence of a good sense of humor.

Moles on the back

Usually appear in good-natured, open and generous people. They are excellent professionals, thoughtful interlocutors and true friends. If the birthmark is on the lower back, then it is a sign of a hard-working and amorous nature, which is expected to be a moderate success in life, thanks to personal merit.

Moles on the hands

Women who have moles in their arms are usually happy in marriage, and if the mark appeared on the outside of the forearm, this indicates the success that accompanies the woman in everything. Men with a birthmark on their right hand have very good energy, they are independent optimists, which you can rely on in any business.

Moles on elbows betray the vulnerable and unfit for the life of a person who constantly sticks up any stories. He will have to do everything himself, but he does not know about easy ways. Moles at the wrists promise an interesting job, on which success awaits, and the inner side of the wrists, decorated with a birthmark, reveals a vulnerable nature.

The back of the hand with the mole promises its owner success and prosperity.

Moles on legs

Moles on the hips promise a strong and healthy offspring, and on the back there is talk about the possibility of having extrasensory abilities.

If the mole is located on the buttocks, it is a sign of complaisance and laziness, but with the location in the upper part close to back, can talk about adherence to principle and courage.

Both knees with moles give out impatient people who hate waiting. The right knee with a mole promises a happy marriage, the left one - speaks of excessive emotionality and haste. People with marks on the lower leg are easy to climb, among them there are many dancers, climbers of athletes. Men perfectly master their body, have many fans, but are faithful to one. A mole on the female drumstick speaks of abilities to dance and music.

The left foot with a birthmark speaks of love for travel, and the right one - about good intuition and outstanding intellect. But birthmarks on toes can mean unstable psyche.