Boomerang effect

The phrase "boomerang effect" means two different phenomena, one of which is a concept from the field of psychology, and the other is observed in our ordinary daily life. We'll look at both of them.

The Boomerang effect in psychology

In psychology, the boomerang effect is the result of the effect of the message, the opposite of the expected one. Simply put, if you are told not to think about a polar bear, all your thoughts will be concentrated on this animal. The more you try not to think about him, the more you will think. This effect was proved by a number of experiments.

In life, he has a large number of applications, it is described by the popular phrase "forbidden fruit is sweet." If you forbid something to a child, you only incite his curiosity, that's why psychologists advise not to prohibit the action, but to distract the child's attention to something else. However, the same mechanism works with adults.

The Boomerang effect in life

In the mass consciousness, a somewhat different situation is perceived under this phrase. If you ask someone how the boomerang effect works, you will most certainly be told that this effect describes the return to the person of the things that he does. In other words, if you have committed an unseemly act, in the future someone will commit an unseemly act towards you.

Consider the life examples of how the boomerang effect in relationships and love can manifest itself:

  1. One very young girl, arguing with her older sister, reproached her with the fact that she was pregnant at age 17 and had to have an abortion, calling the most unpleasant words. When she was 17 herself, it turned out that she became pregnant, and she also had an abortion. Later, she had complications, and her ability to have children is now in question.
  2. A woman working as a nurse for a scanty salary, took night shifts to get more. However, at night she did not want to deal with the sick, and children who lay without parents, she chopped diphenhydramine so that they fell asleep and did not interfere with her. A few years later, when she gave birth, her child turned out to be loud, painful, restless. In this situation, one can easily see the boomerang effect.
  3. A young girl fell in love with a married man, and, despite his having a wife and a small child, started a relationship with him. When he got divorced, interest in him died down, and she went to another, for whom she married after several years. Now that she has a small child in her arms, her husband took a young mistress and filed for divorce. In this case, the boomerang effect is very obvious.

However, to believe in the effect of a boomerang or not is a personal matter for everyone. Everyone decides this question for himself.