What is the meaning of human life and how to find it?

At different times of history, people asked the same questions about their lives. The search for the meaning of his existence on earth man, probably always, because without his understanding it is very difficult to get pleasure from lived days and feel happiness.

What is the meaning of human life on earth?

Such questions are multifaceted, and it is impossible to answer them in several words, but it is quite realistic to reflect for several hours. To understand what is the meaning of life, you can focus on the spiritual destiny of man.

  1. Execution of desires . The soul seeks to fulfill its desires , so it refers to: pleasure, self-expression, cognition, growth and love.
  2. Development . The human soul tends to evolution, receiving different life lessons and forming an experience.
  3. Repetition . The meaning of human life is often based on the desire of the soul to repeat its previous incarnations. Repeat can actions that bring pleasure, addiction, personal qualities, relationships and so on.
  4. Compensation . In some cases, shortcomings and failures of past lives affect reality.
  5. Service . Understanding what the meaning of life is, it is worthwhile to dwell on one more embodiment for people - a sincere desire to do good deeds.

The meaning of human life is philosophy

Most of the discussions on this topic can be found in philosophy. To understand what is the meaning of human life, one should turn to the opinion of the great minds known in history.

  1. Socrates . The philosopher believed that one must live not to achieve material benefits, but to do good deeds and improve.
  2. Aristotle . Ancient Greek thinker argued that the meaning of life for a person is a sense of happiness for the realization of one's essence.
  3. Epicurus . This philosopher believed that everyone should live in pleasure, but at the same time bearing in mind the lack of emotional experiences, physical pain and fear of death .
  4. Cynics . This philosophical school assured that the meaning of life lies in the pursuit of spiritual freedom.
  5. Stoics . Adherents of this philosophical school believed that living is necessary in harmony with the world mind and nature.
  6. Moise . The Chinese philosophical school preached that the brow should strive for equality between people.

How to live if there is no meaning in life?

When there comes a black streak in life, a tragedy happens and a person is in a depressed state, then the meaning of life is lost. Such a state leads to the fact that there is no desire to make any changes for the better. Realizing what is the meaning of life, you need to find out what you need to do if it disappears.

  1. Do not focus on the problem, because the constant presence of a desire to figure out the meaning of life puzzles.
  2. Strangely enough, but time can do wonders, so in a short time, serious problems may seem insignificant.
  3. Do not concentrate on one problem, because there are many interesting and beautiful things in life.
  4. Often a person thinks about the meaning of life when he has nothing to do, therefore, in order not to aggravate the existing problems, it is recommended to find an interesting activity for himself, which will not only distract from the problem, but also give pleasure.

How to find the meaning of life?

Many psychologists believe that if a person feels unhappy, then he has not yet realized what he lives for. There are some simple tips how to find the meaning of life, which you need to adhere to daily.

  1. Do your favorite thing . Experts recommend to concentrate on such activities: interesting, important, simple, capable of speeding up time, bringing pleasure and so on.
  2. Learn to love what you do . The problem of the meaning of life is connected with the fact that many people do everyday things "from under the stick" while experiencing negative emotions. It is recommended to look at unloved cases in a broader context or to accompany them by performing interesting activities.
  3. Do not live up to the plan, but do everything naturally . It is proved that positive emotions , often bring spontaneous decisions and actions.

Books about the meaning of life

To better understand this topic and learn more different opinions, you can read the relevant literature.

  1. "Everything about life" M. Weller . The author reflects on many topics, including about love and the meaning of life.
  2. "Crossroads" A. Yasnaya and V. Chepova . The book describes the importance of the choice that a person faces every day.
  3. "Who will cry when you die?" R. Sharma . The author offers 101 solutions to complex problems that will help improve life.

Movies about the meaning of life

Cinematography did not ignore one of the important issues of mankind, offering several interesting pictures to the public.

  1. "Clean sheet" . The protagonist gets to know a smart old woman who makes him look at his life and the whole world differently.
  2. «Walk in the woods» . If you are looking for films about life with meaning, then pay attention to this picture, in which viewers can understand that life is fleeting and it is important not to miss the moment.
  3. "Knockin 'on Heaven" . The story of two fatally ill friends who decided to live the remaining time with benefit.