The flat epithelium in the urine is the permissible norm and the treatment of abnormalities

When the urine is analyzed, the chemical composition is established and the physical properties of the urine are evaluated. According to the content of this biological fluid, the work of the genitourinary system is evaluated. So, normally the flat epithelium in urine should be present in a single quantity.

What is a flat epithelium?

The flat epithelium is a layer, a single layer of cells that lines the mucous membranes of the urogenital system, the digestive tract, and the respiratory system. Of these cells in the human body, virtually all endocrine glands are composed. The cells of this layer themselves have a small size and a flattened shape. In the genitourinary system, they occur in the lower parts of men (ureters) and in the ureters, in women - in the vagina. The flat epithelium is found in the urine of women, getting there directly from the vaginal cavity.

The flat epithelium in urine - what does it mean?

In excreted urine, microscopy can detect epithelial cells of three types:

Cells of flat epithelium in urine are present in a single quantity. Passing through the kidneys and ureters, other parts of the system, urine comes into contact with these cellular structures, some of which are irradiated and come out. In men, flat epithelial cells in the urine are normally absent (in rare cases they leave the urethra in a low concentration). In women in the analysis of urine, single cells of flat epithelium are always present, since in part they can get here from the vagina.

Urinalysis - flat epithelium

The flat epithelium in the urine of women does not have a great diagnostic value - it is always present. However, a significant increase in the concentration of these cells in urine samples often indicates an inflammatory or infectious process in the urogenital system. In such cases, women are given a comprehensive examination, with the possible cause of the increase in the number of these cells in the sample. It should be borne in mind that the objectivity of ongoing research is often due to compliance with the rules for collecting urine.

How correctly to pass the analysis of urine to women?

Knowing how to properly pass a urine test, a woman will be able to rid herself of the need for a re-examination.

To get objective data, you need:

  1. Before the procedure of collecting urine sample, hold the toilet of the external genitalia (wash out).
  2. Prepare a dry clean jar (preferably a special sterile container for analysis from the pharmacy).
  3. For the study, it is necessary to collect an average portion of urine (not less than 50 ml).
  4. After collection, the sample must be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours.
  5. In the period of menstrual flow, analysis is not carried out.

To ensure that flat epithelial cells do not penetrate into the urine from the vaginal cavity, experienced gynecologists advise the patients a little cunning. Before collecting urine, after washing, thoroughly wiping the perineum, you need to insert a hygienic tampon into the vagina. At the end of the procedure, it is removed. This simple manipulation helps to exclude even a single flat epithelium in the urine and eliminates the re-analysis.

The flat epithelium in the urine is normal in women

As noted above, women always have a flat epithelium in the urine, the norm of which does not exceed 10 units. At a microscopy of a sample of a material, the laboratory assistant counts the number of cells present in the field of view of the microscope. Exceeding the concentration of these cells in urine is a symptom of a pathological disorder and requires additional examination.

Flat epithelium in urine is elevated - causes

If the cells of the flat epithelium in the urine are raised, the doctors prescribe a set of diagnostic measures aimed at establishing the cause of the disorder. Often such deviation from the norm can be:

  1. The result of exposure to the mucosa of the urinary tract viruses, fungus, infections (nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis ).
  2. Disturbance of metabolism in the kidney tissues, which is provoked by a malfunction of metabolic processes leading to renal dysfunction, salt diathesis (crystalluria).
  3. The result of long-term use of medicines.
  4. Urethritis of any etiology.

It should be noted that often the increase in the concentration of squamous epithelial cells in the urine is temporary. Before the beginning of therapy and further diagnosis, doctors often conduct a second analysis. The presence of two negative results is an indication for active diagnostic and therapeutic measures, the nature of which depends on the presumptive diagnosis.

Epithelium in urine - treatment

The plan of therapy directly depends on what the increase in the number of epithelial cells in the analysis has been provoked. Many flat epithelium in the urine is often found in infectious diseases of the urinary system. In such situations, the basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs, which are selected according to the type of pathogen. Among the antibiotics often used in urology:

To maintain the defenses of the body, increase local immunity, doctors prescribe immunostimulants:

As part of the complex therapy of diseases of the genitourinary system also use:

Flat epithelium in the urine during pregnancy

Particular attention is paid to this parameter by doctors during gestation. During the period of gestation, the urinary system of a woman works in an intensive mode, and all changes that occur in the body affect its functioning. This period is characterized by frequent urination, which provokes additional squamous squamous epithelium. In addition, the increasing uterus presses on the organs of the urinary system, changing their usual topography. As a result of these changes, the flat epithelium in the urine is often elevated physiologically.

Physicians admit the presence in the analysis of urine no more than 5 cells of flat epithelium. An increase in this indicator causes anxiety among doctors. They conduct a periodic urine study, monitor the condition of the pregnant woman. Elevated flat epithelium in the urine may indicate such pathologies as: