Candidiasis of the intestines - symptoms, causes and best methods of treatment

Fungal infections are one of the most numerous on Earth. The defeat of the body by fungi disrupts the natural microflora that inhabits the intestine, and causes a chain of complex diseases. As the candidiasis of the intestine develops, the symptoms to which it is important to pay attention - this will be discussed in this article.

Candidiasis of the intestines - causes

Candida albicans is a parasitic unicellular fungus, common in the environment. Candida is very hardy, and the most comfortable conditions for her existence are temperatures from 20 ° C to 37 ° C and pH 6-6.5. Of all the existing fungi of the genus Candida, parasitizing the human body (there are more than 10 species), albicans in 90% of cases becomes the culprit of candidiasis. Candida fungi in the intestines are conditionally pathogenic and with good immunity work they are in the form of harmless disputes.

Why are these safe, seemingly mushrooms starting to multiply in huge numbers, causing serious systemic diseases, such as candidiasis of the intestine, the symptoms of which are clearly manifested in children and adults?

Causes of Candidiasis:

Invasive candidiasis of the intestine

There are 2 forms of invasive candidiasis: focal, when candida in the intestine is introduced into a certain area of ​​the intestinal wall, and a diffuse form in which a large area of ​​the intestinal mucosa lesions with the growth of the wall of the fungal filaments. Causes of invasive forms:

Invasive candidiasis is considered a severe form, in contrast to non-invasive candidiasis. In the diffuse form, irreversible processes often occur for the organism:

Non-invasive candidiasis of the intestine

In most cases Candida fungus in the intestine is located on the mucosa without insertion into its walls and multiplies in the lumen of the intestine - this form of candidiasis is called non-invasive. Causes of development can serve as:

Uncontrolled reproduction of fungi is accompanied by pathological processes:

Candida in the intestines - symptoms

In the initial stages of non-invasive candidiasis, it is difficult to know that the intestinal candidus rages, the symptoms of which may be implicit and similar to the manifestation of other diseases. Later, the body signals the problem with the following symptomatology:

Candida fungus has already entered the intestinal mucosa, cellular immunity has fallen, and there is an unhindered insemination of the body, then germination in the organs and tissues. Invasive form - a pathological process, in which the human condition is greatly deteriorated, intoxication is increasing, lethality is high.

Invasive candidiasis of the intestine - symptoms:

Candidiasis of the intestine - secondary symptoms (psychophysiological), arising from intoxication and lowering of immunity:

Candidiasis of the intestines - diagnosis

Diagnosis of intestinal candidiasis at the initial stages is difficult, therefore the survey should be comprehensive. Early diagnosis allows you to quickly start treatment and in a short time to suppress the massive growth of Candida. Methods of examination for suspected candidiasis of the intestine:

  1. Visual examination by narrow specialists, collection of anamnesis, identification of complaints.
  2. Stool analysis. Cal in bowel candidiasis surrenders to bakposive, in order to determine the amount of Candida albicans and the detection of sensitivity to antimycotic drugs for treatment.
  3. Urine analysis for the detection of D-arabinol (a product of the life of fungi). A high indicator indicates active development of the disease.
  4. Blood test for antibodies. The high content of immunoglobulins in the blood indicates the process of reproduction of the fungus.
  5. Histological and cytological examination of a piece of mucous for the detection of pseudomycelia.
  6. Radiography of the intestine.
  7. Endoscopic examination, which helps to assess the condition of the mucosa, the presence of erosions, ulcers with white coating. It is carried out with the help of a probe:

Candidiasis of the intestine - treatment

The disease is complex, and the fact that treating the candidiasis of the intestine, without hurting the patient even more, is a dilemma for the doctor. Invasive chronic candidiasis of the intestine is difficult to treat, gives frequent relapses, but this is not a reason for despair. In the early stages of candidiasis, an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease includes local procedures: creams, suppositories, ointments and antifungal agents.

Tablets from intestinal candidiasis

How to cure candidiasis of the intestine, is discussed with the attending physician after a complete examination. Drug therapy depends on the form of the disease, the complications that resulted from intoxication. The tablet form of the preparations is convenient in application, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Candidiasis of the intestine - a regimen for the treatment of a non-invasive form:

  1. Antifungal non-resorptive drugs (Nystatin, Natamycin, Levorin). The advantages of this group of drugs is a low absorption of the intestines, which contributes to their accumulation in the lumen and helps to suppress Candida. Minimal side effects and low habituation make it possible to use drugs courses.
  2. Antimycotic preparations with absorption into the lumen of the intestine (Fluconazole, Diflucan , Ketoconazole). Tablets are systemic, the dosage is calculated by the doctor based on the patient's weight.
  3. Antibacterial therapy is the use of a broad spectrum of drugs, if there is an infection.
  4. Probiotics in tableted form - for the restoration of saprophyte intestinal microflora (Lineks, Biosporin).
  5. Immunomodulators (Stimmunal, Immunal).

Rectal Candles from Candidiasis of the Intestine

In addition to the main treatment, rectal suppositories are prescribed for intestinal candidiasis. The big plus of this therapy is the lack of stress on the stomach, the liver, so the side effects are minimal. Candles help to remove the discomfort associated with secretions and itching, are introduced into the anal passage after emptying and hygienic procedure. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, on average the course lasts 1.5 - 2 weeks.

Rectal suppositories used in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis:

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis with folk remedies

Wizards recommend in case of mycosis of the intestines to cleanse the body with spices and herbs. Well-proven folk remedies for fungus candida in the intestine

  1. Garlic - a few denticles per day are detrimental to the fungus.
  2. Aloe - juice from the leaves, mixed with honey 1: 1.
  3. Lemon - it is useful to eat half a lemon a day, or squeeze the juice (contraindicated in stomach ulcers with high acidity).

Soda for candidiasis of the intestines - recipe


Preparation and use

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Cool the milk until hot.
  3. Add and stir the soda.
  4. Drink hot, 30 minutes after breakfast 1 time per day.

Diet in case of intestinal candidiasis

Nutrition for candidiasis of the intestine should be gentle and gentle, while balanced. Drug treatment will be successful if diet is observed, and for the return of health will have to sacrifice your favorite harmful taste predilections. In an integrated approach: antifungal therapy and proper nutrition - the intestinal candidiasis is treated, the symptoms subsided and remission occurs.

What can not be eaten with candidiasis of the intestine?

Treatment of fungus candida in the intestine is important to start by reviewing their diet. Man - what he eats, this has long been known to everyone. Products contraindicated in candidiasis of the intestine:

What can I eat with candidiasis of the intestine?

With candidiasis, food should be a medicine. How to treat fungus candida in the intestines with the help of food, what kind of products should it be? Useful food for candidiasis:

Prevention of intestinal candidiasis

It is easier to prevent the disease when yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in the intestine are in a safe sleeping state. Prevention has always been a reliable tool for people who knowingly and carefully relate to their health. Maintaining immunity with the help of moderate physical activity and tempering the body, proper nutrition and proper rest - all this contributes to everyday resistance to stress and disease, even as serious as candidiasis of the intestine.